S B Banner
Just a little freaky
hi this will be my first Hot Toy i didn't think i would ever get one but when i saw the HULK i just had to pull the trigger.
Ha I don't get it? Have we missed something
hi this will be my first Hot Toy i didn't think i would ever get one but when i saw the HULK i just had to pull the trigger.
hi this will be my first Hot Toy i didn't think i would ever get one but when i saw the HULK i just had to pull the trigger.
Hell yes, it's a trap. You will fall for it like I fell for it. At first I promised myself to only get HT Batman tdkr and Joker 2.0. Now I have over 15 HT figs on PO. This hobby is drugs for many of us collectors, so watch out!
First HT figure? Oh no. It's a trap![]()
Finally broke and ordered him and the Mark VII... £334 for both including shipping, god I hope I don't have to spend much on my bills in my first year of paying for them :O
hes a grail figure cant wait for this masterpieace
Too true. I'm suprised the detolf hasn't been made to modify shelf height yet. That said, Hulk need to be free to rage. Hulk don't like puny glass cage! (where's the hulk emoticon when you need one?)
My Avengers team will have their own custom acrylic case just like my Tumbler does...sometimes you have to think outside the detolf for epic pieces!![]()
Yes..I am curious as to where you could get them so cheap as well..especially being in Britain.
I got both for $440 shipped from a local shop and I thought that was a steal.