Viking Spawn
Super Freak
The over-reaction continues.... 

Haaa!!! That's awesome. First flex pay charged. Woo hoo!
SS just charged my first payment on the 5th. Barring any delays we should have this in march. Not holding my breath though.
Hay Wooah there bud...did we all miss something, you were charged your first SSC Flex for HULK?
Yeah, so was I on the 5th
Mines showing march 5th as final flex payment...but that could change of course
As much as I love Hulk I kinda wish that we could get a Bruce Banner figure too since he had a lot of screen time in The Avengers. I can understand they maybe didn't do it with this figure to keep costs down but I wonder if we'll ever see one or if there isn't enough demand for it.
SS just charged my first payment on the 5th. Barring any delays we should have this in march. Not holding my breath though.