I wonder how much longer for the blu-ray
Not long. Mid-Feb for download, Feb 28 for disks.
Oh not bad at all. I remember waiting ages when I was younger. Seems like stuff only takes a few months to come home nowadays.
In the VHS days we had to wait sometimes years for a movie to come out, lol..
Not digitally, but i just read something about his double and scenes with his shown face will be with Cumberbatch. But still his role will be much smaller (not meaning insignificant) than previously thought.
Anthony Russo: From the point of view of Joe and I, we think about all of these movies as a continuity. The story that we told in Winter Soldier set the basis for the story we told in Civil War, and the story that we told in Civil War is again laying the groundwork for the story that we’re going to tell in Avengers: Infinity War. For us, there’s a narrative continuity between the movies, and each movie is in many ways setting the stage for the ones that follow. For us, we have a very specific through-line for all those films.
IMO folks wouldn't go wrong getting this DS, if they want a fig representing major screen time. Plus, you never know when HT might go "thin" with accessories- at least this DS fig looks loaded that way.
I could see them mostly saving Strange for the second part of Infinity War when the **** really hits the fan.
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I'm wondering if...
Dr. Strange will be the deus ex machina of the fight. I can imagine a situation where thanos has defeated all the avengers and Dr.strange rewinds time.
I'm wondering if...
Dr. Strange will be the deus ex machina of the fight. I can imagine a situation where thanos has defeated all the avengers and Dr.strange rewinds time.
No way would they do that. That would be some ******,lazy writing.
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