The Doc is released in the next few hours.
You were 150% correct on this.
If it gets released, it'll be sometime this or next week. That guy posting "in the next few hours" was probably just trolling.
Really looking forward to seeing photos of the production figure. (And getting my hands on mine! Finally Doctor Strange will be joining the line-up, and the awesome facial hair bros will be together.)
Oh and in an example of timely coincidence, a company from the opposite end of the spectrum of this hobby have just revealed that they've acquired the Marvel license. (And given how cottage industry that particular offshoot of the figurine/doll hobby is, and some of the other licenses this company has acquired in the past, I believe them when they say they have permission.)
For information about the costume details alone their webpage is fascinating:
Woah! Just completely exceeded my expectations - and if those as I believe are images of the production run figure? Looks better than the prototype!
(Hah! Yeah I'd be tempted by the IOS Strange if it weren't 80cm tall... But at that scale? I'd simply not have the space, especially if they end up making more Marvel characters. Even just picking up a handful of my v.favourite Marvel characters would get up to silly space eating pretty quickly, let alone the additional expense on top of the Hot Toys... Looking forward to owner's photos though!)
Where are you seeing this?
Sent from a single point in space and time
Sorry which bit - the response to the awesome photos of the Hot Toys figure above or the IOS announcement?
Assuming the IOS announcement since the Hot Toys is top of this page - I linked to it on the previous page. It looks fascinating and I can't wait to see owner's photos, but it looks like it'll be a good while before they start to appear from the stage of production the prototype seems to be at currently.
They will start shipping towards the end of August.So he long until SS get him??