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Sorry if this has been discussed to death already - what do people think about this over the sideshow figure? Personally I think design wise I prefer green Boba over colourful Boba, but this is a really stunning figure. I'm happy with my sideshow one (after rebodying onto a hot toys body...) but is anyone thinking to get both?

Sorry if this has been discussed to death already - what do people think about this over the sideshow figure? Personally I think design wise I prefer green Boba over colourful Boba, but this is a really stunning figure. I'm happy with my sideshow one (after rebodying onto a hot toys body...) but is anyone thinking to get both?


I love the sideshow still. I'm getting the 1/4 scale hot toys. Don't see a reason to replace the ESB 1/6th with this figure.
I'd like to know how much better the Boba SS is with a Hot toys body. Could you tell me which one you used?

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I love the sideshow still. I'm getting the 1/4 scale hot toys. Don't see a reason to replace the ESB 1/6th with this figure.
I'd like to know how much better the Boba SS is with a Hot toys body. Could you tell me which one you used?

I used a true type narrow shoulder caucasian. Definitely recommend doing it. It made a big difference to the proportions of the figure, much more human somehow. And got rid of the skinny arms/ elbows of the sideshow body too. I posted some photos on the other thread, can post more if you like to see.

It wasn't a completely straight swap through, I used the original Boba neck on it and had to use a knife and file to hack down the forearms a lot to make the gauntlets fit. I also padded out the front of the torso slightly.

This one;
I used a true type narrow shoulder caucasian. Definitely recommend doing it. It made a big difference to the proportions of the figure, much more human somehow. And got rid of the skinny arms/ elbows of the sideshow body too. I posted some photos on the other thread, can post more if you like to see.

It wasn't a completely straight swap through, I used the original Boba neck on it and had to use a knife and file to hack down the forearms a lot to make the gauntlets fit. I also padded out the front of the torso slightly.

This one;

Do you mind sending me some pictures or posting?

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This is a bit off the original topic of the hot toys ROTJ fett but what the hey :) Heres some images and info that should help - Complete list of what I've done to my Sideshow ESB Boba Fett.

Rebodied onto hot toys caucasian narrow shoulder, with padded upper chest, modified forearms and original boba fett neck.

trimmed plastic inside chest armour and bent it a little more rounded(lots of guides on the forums for this)

Opened up all the pockets on the flight suit and cut down or removed the foam to get rid of the bulky square pockets

wrapped flak jacket lots tighter to body for more fitted look

used the end of a scissor blade to 'distress' the end of the cape using a photo of the movie cape as reference


elbows look way better

you can see how natural the figure looks standing

trimmed arms

distressed cape


Hope all that helps!
I think the Sideshow figure can look good and I attempted to get one earlier in the year but ultimately I feel like I'll be happier with the Hot Toys version. I'm not one to mod my figures aside from body swaps if needed and I think the Sideshow piece needs work to look really good. Plus I like the armor from Return of the Jedi slightly more. I think either version will be good to have and probably wouldn't necessarily upgrade right away if I had Sideshow's figure but I'm not going to bother seeking it out any further.
For you guys that did the body swap, what did you do with the back plate? It screws onto the stock body-- I assume so the jetpack doesn't weight it down and choke him.
So glad I never got the SS one. My medi Fett held me over until this one. Bring it HT!
Sideshow never did ROTJ Fett

My Sideshow Boba Fett from ESB is the only 'high end' Fett figure I have owned. If I had a Medi Fett, maybe I wouldn't have gotten the Sideshow one. The question now though is if the HT Fett will make me want to supplant my Sideshow ESB figure?

For me, I am not interested in having both versions of Fett from ESB and ROTJ, I can understand why some more die hard Boba Fett fans might want this, but not me. Boba Fett is Boba Fett regardless of if he has green or red gauntlets (among other slight differences in his uniform). I like the colors on the ROTJ version best, but I like the sense of nostalgia I get from the ESB version as I first saw him (at least a live action version not counting the Christmas special). So it comes down to quality, and I suspect that HT will win out in the department, but the question then becomes how much better is it really? Is it so much better that its worth it to sell the one I have (probably for a loss) in order to get this new one? I am going to have to see some in hand side by side comparisons between Sideshow Fett and HT Fett in order to make up my mind about this.

One thing is for sure as I look at my Sideshow Fett up on my shelf it still makes me smile even after seeing the new HT versions being advertised. The same isn't true as I look at my Sideshow Luke, Han and Leia after seeing what Hot Toys plans to put out. So I will upgrade these figures and I have Han Chewie and Luke from HT on preorder now and will likely get Leia too. But like SSC Boba Fett, I still like my Sideshow ROTJ Vader too despite seeing the promo pics of the HT ANH Vader. Again, I have no doubt that the quality will be better with HT, but the biggest step up with HT doing SW are the head sculpts which look more lifelike and more like the actors who played these characters. Again, it's not that there aren't other ways Ht makes a better quality figure but the head sculpts are the most noticeable improvement and this isn't something that a HT Boba Fett or Darth Vader figure can take advantage of. Is my Sideshow Boba Fett perfect? Certainly not, (I still haven't gotten around to modding that vest of his many people did) but I'm pretty happy with it.

I can understand why big time Boba Fett fans might want to upgrade (or get both ESB and ROTJ versions) and get every detail as perfect as possible, that's why people mod these figures too. That's all cool, but for me I haven't seen enough from the HT one yet to make me want to upgrade it. I may change my mind when people get it in hand, so we will have to see.