Where's the Fett expert? Can't wait to hear his thoughts on this

I wish they had given him another regular stand. Good thing I have a extra Sandtrooper stand.
He comes with regular stand as well as the sarlacc
Those arms can be posed. They come straight in the box.
Credit Budget for the pic.View attachment 252082
You guys think it will be shipped from Sideshow before end of May? Need to figure out if I can preorder before I move to Europe...
He looks great. Can't wait for him. I'll probably get the deluxe just to have the Sarlaac option but I may not use it. It's worth picking up for a few extra bucks.
Yeah, now knowing the tentacles are definitely bendable, I may have changed my mind on this. As much as I won't display the base option -- don't want to glorify Fett's ridiculous death -- it is a nice piece on its own.
Maybe it will go better trying to pull in General Lando? Or use one of the tentacles for a Dianoga with Stormtrooper Luke!
I'm not certain the perspective gag will work in person -- looks great in pictures when you can adjust focus to play the gag, but in person the literal appearance of a tiny Sarlacc might look... well, silly.