Are the breast plates supposed to look like they're just slapped on, there?
I like that the shoulder joint seems more camouflaged now. Did they move the cape inward or something?
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yes she isIs she still not missing 2 pieces/horns from the head?
Sent from a point in space and time
Good point
I suffered thru the movie Valerian last night and the two leads in the movie had exactly that kind of costume - like soccer balls plastered on. Even the guy.
I just pulled the trigger and pre-ordered this today. Now just waiting to see if any other Villains are made this year. Or Valkyrie.
did anyone ever mention to HT the headpiece was not accurate?
I mean its the 2 biggest pieces,it would suck not to have them
Are they going to release an extra head version?
I think she always has the 2 big ones
Doubt it, I'm actually suprised we got her at all.
Well, I was hoping she will get a role in Avengers 3 or 4, and we can have another version, maybe she's dead, who knows.