Super Freak
Hot Toys Loves Arnie.
Yep. And Johnny Depp
Hot Toys Loves Arnie.
I can't wait until HT drops Rambo on us. CP's gonna have a coronary.![]()
Great movie for letting your brain get on with something else.
Hot Toys Loves Arnie.
I think this proves the movie has stood the test of time if HT are making this guy.
I've got the reaction gif ready for that wonderful day![]()
Saw this on FB and got crazy excited.
Looked at his arms and saw the rubber/non-jointed elbows. Almost cried. Pass-o-rama. He'll be rotting/leaking within a year of his release.
Judging from that polls results i think they may be doing a conan figure next or a dutch 2.0, but id love to see them go the full distance with a running man figure and a total recall figure or last action hero one.
Biceps and forearms look a little small for 80s arnie
They are quite small. Will this allow for greater articulation? Probably not.![]()
Real life articulation is somewhat limited with 21' arms, would be true to form
Lol, I almost put 22 but didn't figure he was up to mr Olympia form*Cough* 22' arms, but who's counting anyway?
You can say what you want but Commando is the quintessential Arnold movie, there are a few of them that are probably better but still Commando is the one I saw over 50 times on a 6th generation VHS copy that was mostly black and white with splashes of color. I have probably seen it another 50-100 times since I got in on Laserdisc/DVD/HDTV. I will have a smile for a week now.![]()
This is so niche and so out of left field that it may be my favorite Hot Toys figure yet. If someone asked you to describe action movies in the 80's I'd show them this. One man army, check. Arnold in his prime, check. Kidnapped family member, check. Cool hero name, check. Giant gun fight where the hero kills everyone, check. Cheesy villain, check. And last but not least, tons of awesome one liners, check.