They'll forever be linked...sometimes at the hands.![]()
Looks that way

They'll forever be linked...sometimes at the hands.![]()
Arnold looking at the camera saying, "Hahahaha, my ahms ah biggah den deahs."
Yeah, as chiseled as Sly looked during the Rambo II/Rocky III era, he never had Arnie's physique...![]()
Yeah man, you know he was thinking it and you know Sly knew he was thinking it too judging by his face![]()
Columbu is pretty short. I mean Sly isn't even 6 foot.
Arnie is the GOAT bodybuilder, with a close 2nd to ronnie Coleman
Arnold is the Alpha Male.
If he lived in Ancient Greece, there would be mountains and temples carved in his likeness.
Franco's 5-5.
That's tiny even for a normal human male let alone a Terminator.
Love it but I have never had a HT figure with rubber arms before so will this crack like the others then?