Happy to see WM kick some butt in this one. Moving my "IM3" suit over to the avengers display.
Don't the Helicarriers tend to get blown up or destroyed .........alot?
I have another theory on the price increases as well. If you look at how much left over stock the BBTS and Sideshows of the world have accumulated in the last year, that is real money real losses that are going to come through for expected cash flow.
Now fast forward into 2015, these places have shrank their discounts from 8% to list, they are holding to the minimum orders now to stop having dead and excess. This means there are less pre-orders coming into Hot toys. They have budgets targets and numbers as well. Since the orders are down their prices have to automatically go up to achieve just the same level of revenue last year.
The licensing and that stuff matter to, but what you are starting to see is the bubble on Hot Toys figures. They are working on expansion territory right now, testing the price elasticity on the figures. When volume goes down, price goes up and demand goes down we will finally start see lower prices for pieces as a result.
Your theory is interesting, it will also be interesting to see how it plays out, with AOU being such as massive blockbuster these figures will sell and have a built in buffer, so there may be a delayed reaction to seeing the results you describe. Civil War next year will also be huge so don't see the trend slowing yet
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I'm almost to the point I have to avoid any/all threads if I want to avoid any and all possible spoilers or surprises.![]()
It is kinda getting out of hand, tried staying in the Age of Ultron figure thread, nope all movie spoilers now.
Well, Ultron may have no strings, but you (and the Figures themselves) will most definitely not be free, despite your username!Went ahead and grabbed this. Have the ex mark 43 on wait list and I'm not sure if it will convert so this is officially my first figure (aside from toys as a kid)! I have a feeling that I'm heading down a dangerous and expensive path...
According to the number on the hull, it's the same one from the first Avengers movie.
Went ahead and grabbed this. Have the ex mark 43 on wait list and I'm not sure if it will convert so this is officially my first figure (aside from toys as a kid)! I have a feeling that I'm heading down a dangerous and expensive path...
I hear ya. Wish I could undo those pre-orders, but now I just have to wait and hope I can get money back for IP and 42, though it seems unlikely...
I'm still holding out and hoping for a die cast WM Mk1 given the events of AoU, plus the Mk1 has been the best representation of him.
Hey dee-dubs, have you seen that BvS trailer yet? Thoughts?
Ya I would love a die cast mark 1, that's my favorite design so far too. I really hope we get to see a mark 3 in aou and one that has some serious firepower. I would love to see one with a cannon or minigun on one shoulder and a rocket pod on the other like from the comics.