Yeah, it's rare to find a community where even if we have disagreements on the topics, we're still cool to each other and respectful. This is increasingly rare now-a-days, with people hiding behind the screen, big 'ol keyboard warriors.
That's the thing, the healthcare out here in Canada IS fantastic, but it basically goes by emergency and immediate need. My wife can still sort of walk with a walker/wheelchair we were able to purchase because of the generous people in our GoFundMe Campaign, so she has to wait because there are a lot of others that need immediate attention and not that many places to get the MRI. Just a huge backup and unfortunately people more worse off. High pop of older people here, plus they want her to wait as long as possible for a hip replacement and then need multiples because she's so young. Now if we had the money in hand, yeah I could go get the MRI anytime I want, but we don't...yet. I'm selling my 1998 Corvette so I can get her the
other things she needs immediately!
But to be 100% honest, if it wasn't for the healthcare out here, we'd never be able to get all of the medications we both need, plus the 9 surgeries she's had over the last 8 years wouldn't have happened either. Having being born and raised in New York, and living here since 2006, there are benefits to both places,but I just love it so much more out here. Even the way college and university works is different! In NY, you get your student loan, but it only pays for your tuition and school-focused things. Out here, you get money for University, you get money for costs of living and that's based on your needs too. It's amazing, really. I'm able to follow my dreams of working in the film industry and pursuing an education in that field while still taking care of my family. Which in Vancouver, the film industry is booming! They filmed Deadpool out here! 45 minutes drive away! We could literally watch them film across the highway. Just didn't think I could get close enough but the newspapers went insane with photos and interviews. They film The Flash out here, too. So there's a lot of benefits to being out here, but there's some rough parts too. We have her MRI on her hips this December, they did get moving pretty fast on getting her in for tests on her heart and MRI on her heart - just 3 or 4 weeks wait. I wish they'd work faster, get her in faster, but hopefully I'll get my Corvette sold and get her what she needs ASAP.
Thanks again, everyone, for being such a great group of people. I love all of the pictures you all post, I love the mods, the dioramas, all the thing you guys do to add to an already fun hobby. I even signed up immediately to that Whisky website ever since I saw them 6th scale Santa Hats one of you posted here! lol
I'm still working on a couple dioramas for my 6th scales too. I'm hoping to have bigger progress over the Christmas break. I'm working on the church scene from AOU and hoping to be able to get some "generic bad guy" 6th scales on some of these websites so my guys have someone to beat up! As it stands, I think the only fight that'll break out is The Hulk or Hawkeye taking on Deadpool after he shoves his face into Black Widow's cleavage....