Yeah I think that was posted a couple days ago and someone said they ordered. So should get "in hand" pics here eventually.
Yeah I think that was posted a couple days ago and someone said they ordered. So should get "in hand" pics here eventually.
Nice, I always saw the middle finger hand as sort of a no brainer accessory while watching the movie. D
Yeah, it's a kickstarter project to produce scientifically accurate raptors. I pledged for 4 of them.
That's true, I hadn't even thought about that. It's a good thing somebody made it then.Gotta remember this is sold in China...where they don't let Most R rated films even play so it's possible they couldn't include it. Good chance in fact.
Anyone that owns this figure see this? Thought it was a neat little accessory.
I also ordered. Can't go wrong for that price. I'll make sure to post plenty of fun pics showing it off haha.
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Yeah that it is. I can get you the other pics if you want
Great flics man, can't wait till mine ships on Tuesday!