look at its legs. why are all the joints and hydraulics so thin, numerous and exposed? it's a battle robot for cleaning out heavy resistance points. instead it is just a little robot stolen from Doom III.
look at his guns. why are there 5 of them on each side, all of them different? was it more effective? no, he didn't even use them in the movie for any good outcome.
that's all bull from engineering point of view, those details are there just to be there, to flash in the eye, like MB transformers.
1) about engineering and who does it - Cameron, being a physisist and an engineer, or somebody else just throwing details in. first one gives "realism". so think again about design flaws and why the less there are, the better the overall appearance.So....tell me again about design flaws on these robots that make them unrealistic LOL
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1) about engineering and who does it - Cameron, being a physisist and an engineer, or somebody else just throwing details in. first one gives "realism". so think again about design flaws and why the less there are, the better the overall appearance.
this is Gynysys designs:
2) people survived not in nuclear blasts but in other territories. there are spaces (and not only countries) on earth other than US or former USSR which were destroyed in the attack, you know. it's also widely mentioned in the novelization. the southern hemisphere should even remain able to give crops. US territory is used as a battleground with Skynet which resides there. that's where the US flag in T3 is ridiculous while in original texts it was specifically mentioned that it was the first really united nations army without flags or borders, and it's a pity that only a common threat made it possible.
of course, in T3 and later on all earth was covered with numerous blasts instead of just two attacks from two countries... but they just said "who needs that nerdish realism" for every aspect of every second of every movie starting with T3, thus lowing it to marvel standarts.
Cameron had a universe worked deeply enough to have no flaws that cannot be outrighted using only his own material already put there.
p.s. LOL (c)
absolutely serious. there was only one thing worse than plot, directing and acting there: designs.
then why did they give him a deep square hole with closed borders on his forehead?
and no they don't look alike.
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in my post i meant star wars.The movie was a bit disappointing in parts, but the art direction/designs were fine in my opinion. The fighting droids,time terminal, etc. and endoskeleton were fantastic.
Steven Burg (T2 designer): "Jim always said it (TDE) should look like it took all of the energy on the planet just to send one person back in this thing" (Making of T2 book 1991)
3) terminator in T2 had to aim carefully to hit no humans, and his weapon had massive recoil that had to be compensated by putting the weapon in front of the body. those plasma weapons don't seem to have any significant recoil.