yep! also note how differently it moves in a motel (where it shoots an empty bed) - probably by that time it completely realised that Reese is from the future, and it has to attack Reese's base after a long tactical pause, so it expected either proper resistance or even traps.Oh, I understand.
I was simply trying to imply that a Terminator might react similarly (evasive) in the past as well if one would aim a rocket launcher at it. However, it's impervious to regular gunfire.
that's a very different story of speed, movement, cautiousness than what he did while slaughtering policemen. and very close to future terminator movements.
hmmm. to think of it, Reese was the only person throughout the movie that terminator tried to eliminate with some kind of panic speed movements. maybe it realised from the beginning that the only one who can be against Sarah's termination by that point must be from the future, too, and thus potentially a lot more dangerous that police forces.
or it was just angry about his fresh clean intact-a-moment-ago flesh cover that Reese ruined.
In one of the futurewar scenes in T2, we also see a downed Endo get taken out by a few plasma shot of a resistance fighter.

an already downed, immobilized, broken, torn to parts, probably by a grenade launcher, Endo, that can already move only one hand, shot from a super close distance with no known effect

obviously it had to have effect of course, otherwise why would soldiers use those guns.