I only did it once with the 6. I knew it was going to be sought after. Really didn't make that much off it, like $100 and change. So not worth it really.
My experience as well. Shipping eats up a lot especially since it's die-cast
I only did it once with the 6. I knew it was going to be sought after. Really didn't make that much off it, like $100 and change. So not worth it really.
Yep, 5 - two regular, two gantrys, and one neon tech; I'm crazy
Well for me, for figures I'm VERY fond of, I get multiples, two maybe three, however I went overboard on this one.
There's fondness, then there's unhealthy obsession! Damn, and I thought I was being extravagant getting the diecast versions of the Marks III through VI when I already had the plastic ones, or getting most of the Mark VII repaints (Midas, Sub-Zero, Stealth, Python). But hey, no judgments. We all have our unique priorities in this hobby. And I commend you on your taste. If I had to pick one suit to buy 5 of, the Mark IV wins hands down.
90% sure I'm gonna PO the diecast Mark VII$$$$.
There's fondness, then there's unhealthy obsession! Damn, and I thought I was being extravagant getting the diecast versions of the Marks III through VI when I already had the plastic ones, or getting most of the Mark VII repaints (Midas, Sub-Zero, Stealth, Python). But hey, no judgments. We all have our unique priorities in this hobby. And I commend you on your taste. If I had to pick one suit to buy 5 of, the Mark IV wins hands down.
Well OK, guess I've got *issues* 'coz I dup stuff all the time. Esp. Winter Soldier not even sure how many I have. Cap and BW. Latest was 2 Ultron Mark 2s. Just sayin' tho everyone collects differently but for me it's either pose/costume variants, just to have it, insurance, and the big one is displays in 2 different locations. E.g. where my computer is isn't where the TV is. Places I spend a lot of time and finally realized it was getting on my nerves to always have to be in one place to enjoy my stuff. Not that I'm rich.
As the "first MCU" winds down and I look around, patting myself on the back for all those figs *happy*. Hope they last 'coz IMO this has been a great film era to live through! Really not convinced HT would do a lot of re-releases except for Cap and IM sure glad for those 2 CW Natashas... I watched Avengers 1 last night and it just popped into my head it's gonna be hard next MCU w. no Tony Stark and those beautiful, beautiful armors
Anyway just checkin' this thread 'coz for me IM is under-represented so like reading comments for future pick-ups as the MCU winds down. Some stuff I just missed re IM. From a newbie "IM collector" am willing to believe use of diecast is debatable. But after getting the "Singapore" re-release VI - prob as stripped as u can get (so then I ordered a custom head sculpt and a collar kit *sigh*) - for me anyway the upscale diecast is the way to go. 'Coz I like the feel. Even if I can't use a flight stand re the weight.
90% sure I'm gonna PO the diecast Mark VII$$$$. For me anyway I give up - might as well order the "premium" release - I just end up spending more later for displays.
Well that's a given. The question is "how many?"
Can't get enough of the gantry!
I was never allured by the gantry...also from what I've read on this board the material/build is cheap?
I was never allured by the gantry...also from what I've read on this board the material/build is cheap?
I was never allured by the gantry...also from what I've read on this board the material/build is cheap?
It's all plastic, but I don't think it looks cheap. The only thing that's cheap is the little tiny grey grabber things, they're soft plastic and were actually a bit deformed out of the box.
My biggest problem is how incredibly tight it is. Putting each one in the base is super tight and then trying to turn them and articulate the joints makes it feel like it's going to break.
You can just admit you didn't want to spend over $600 to get it. You don't have to justify that to us.
Mine arrives tomorrow. I didn't get the gantry version, and that's not how I'm displaying it.
Dang! I wish I could've afford the gantry version. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mark IV, but da*n it! I want the gantry!