Super Freak
I just saw that the movie promo weapon is proxima's spear and the regular weapon is cap's shield.
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It's just a best guess but looks accurate. Although I know its photoshopped in. Was hoping for a broken shield.
Man... I really want a cap, but I can't stand the little shields. I think if I get this guy I will end up throwing one of his classic shields on him because I can!
If the secret weapons are really as lame as his old shield and proximas weapon, then the whole idea is just a half-baked hype tactic to sell more figures and nothing more. Getting his shield back is hardly anything that would spoil the story, nor would it be the least bit surprising.
And if it was Marvel that requested they keep these accessories a secret (I'm not saying it is), then there is NO CHANCE that it's proximas spear since they featured it on a cosbaby (also like i said before, it's in the damn trailer).
I really hope these accessories aren't something that can be guessed by watching trailers or past movies... I'm hoping they are something that can only be identified by watching the whole movie. Things we haven't seen yet.