Noticed the slots where the BTTF2 mirrored future goggles slot into the hair next to the ears are still present on the new 1985 mall parking lot head. Maybe they are only visible in certain lighting, and it was a pretty close-up shot.
No, they will pre-authorize your CC for the purchase, but it will fall off and you'll be charged when it shipsDoes alter ego comics have a NRD?
Anybody pick this up ?the stopwatch comes with this Einstein (from Custom Figures -Dan Chung).
Also Copernicus.
One thing that's missing from the figure is the finger trigger that's connected to Doc's watch.
It's a real watch too. I thought it was some made up gadget prop for the film.touche. good eye
I never noticed that! Looks like HT never noticed it either. Still, with well over a year till release they got time to include it.
I think HT regularly check the FreaksWhat's the best way to let them know...if any?
I wouldn’t hold my breathe considering the description says “features a newly painted head sculpt” so only updated paint.With the release being so far off, I think there's a decent chance they'll update the sculpt for the final figure. This one feels very much like just a placeholder to me.
JL Superman with such a delayed released also belong in this category and HT didn't even bother to update the headsculpt/hairsculpt.I wouldn’t hold my breathe considering the description says “features a newly painted head sculpt” so only updated paint.