1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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To be honest the "Hit me" sculpts always miss, it's bad investment. And they have only one purpose which his doing the same pose from that exact scene. If you try to do another pose it feels off.
Love me an expressive headsculpt but that's not a good expression imo.
Yeah that's why I'm saying that silicone sculpt isn't gonna sell anywhere near the asking price. The expression is very similar to the awkward expression JND did on their second sculpt. Which I think was going after the "Hit Me" expression but failed at nailing the anger in it through the eyes and brows. Kind of just looks like he let out a fart and is being awkward about it.


That's xXx's laughing head that John Wu painted for me.
How much is he charging for painting and rooted if you don't mind me asking? I imagine it's pretty low considering the price of his own sculpt. Might be a good option for folks looking to get theirs painted.
Yeah that's why I'm saying that silicone sculpt isn't gonna sell anywhere near the asking price. The expression is very similar to the awkward expression JND did on their second sculpt. Which I think was going after the "Hit Me" expression but failed at nailing the anger in it through the eyes and brows. Kind of just looks like he let out a fart and is being awkward about it.


How much is he charging for painting and rooted if you don't mind me asking? I imagine it's pretty low considering the price of his own sculpt. Might be a good option for folks looking to get theirs painted.
You should ask him about the price, what I can tell you is that it's the best quality/price ratio in the custom hobby.
The pictures of the xXx he painted for me are not the best quality but trust me it's a masterpiece. Even xXx said that John's painting was better than the sample xXx owns that was painted by Yuan.
Btw @Scout Trooper @Aybaig I got the greelight to tell who's going to do the sample, obviously John will make one maybe even 2 or 3 to showcase different make-up style, at least that was the plan at first.

And Heise will make a sample for John too !

So Scout... Get your wallet ready. :ROFLMAO:

We'll also see it painted and rooted by Yuan later down the line as I think someone wants to send it to him.
Btw @Scout Trooper @Aybaig I got the greelight to tell who's going to do the sample, obviously John will make one maybe even 2 or 3 to showcase different make-up style, at least that was the plan at first.

And Heise will make a sample for John too !

So Scout... Get your wallet ready. :ROFLMAO:

We'll also see it painted and rooted by Yuan later down the line as I think someone wants to send it to him.
Hell yeahhhh!!! Can't ******* wait! 😍
I sent a bunch of screenshot from the scenes post interrogation scene to do this head.
His painting is much more accurate to those scenes, much more messy.

Something I love about him is that he sticks to the movie as much as possible with his painting, he started doing that lately and I love it.

Wonder when we are gonna see first painted and rooted sample photos of Sleepy Hollow Joker from John. @DiostaR did you ask him about it bro?
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Let's compare the same make-up style :


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View attachment 706814

And yes surprisingly Yuan painted the tongue yellow on the clean make-up one.
I actually like how much more "natural" John's paint work is. Yuan's looks a little too clean? Almost manufactured if that makes sense. John's version has a more hand painted applied look to it.
I like aspects of both.

John's dripping style makes me think I'd like to have him do a Pattinson sculpt maybe.
Both are absolutely awesome indeed, but i'm biaised because John made it for me with my instructions so of course his suits me better. And his style in general suits better to what I like.

Plus we tend to think alike when it comes to this character.
Literally a match made in heaven him and me. 😂