1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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Everyone needs to take inspo from him, no overly thick or curly hair, proper amount of product. I’d say my money is with Heise over everyone else every time. Did you see his work on the OT Begins sculpt?
Mine too bro haha. And yes, TDK too. Crazy good as always 🤩
The kong_work one? Looks really good in Heise's picture.

I wonder how that will compare to the coat from Jaggz
That one was an early prototype, I sent references to him back in Oct. Nov.
Not much updates out of either of the two coats, would like to see something. Hye Hwa is still supposed to produce a full suit I believe.
That one was an early prototype, I sent references to him back in Oct. Nov.
Not much updates out of either of the two coats, would like to see something. Hye Hwa is still supposed to produce a full suit I believe.
Not much has been shown of the full suit aside from early prototypes I think, but so far the only thing that shows promise is his coat.


Kong's coat looks gorgeous in this picture. I mean ****, I'd be really tempted if the price is good.


I assume this one is an early iteration? Even though it's labled a "finished project" by Kong. I'm sure futzing would help, but it doesn't sell me in this picture at all.

Not much has been shown of the full suit aside from early prototypes I think, but so far the only thing that shows promise is his coat.


Kong's coat looks gorgeous in this picture. I mean ****, I'd be really tempted if the price is good.

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I assume this one is an early iteration? Even though it's labled a "finished project" by Kong. I'm sure futzing would help, but it doesn't sell me in this picture at all.

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Yup I think it's the broad lapels and length of the coat that's throwing it off. Liked the pose though.
It's not gonna sell at that price. I saw someone trying to sell their Yixie/Yuan Hit Me sculpt for $950, only to have it drop to $750 after a few weeks of not selling. This was after they paid $1250 for it. The vast majority of collectors don't care to spend that much on a single sculpt.
market is just bad in general. custom work especially these days don't have a good and strong resale return. you're more than likely to lose money if you keep focus on the value. I've just made a commitment to taking all the custom stuff to the grave with me, good and bad. its rare these days for custom pieces to sell more than the actual cost of the work unless you're that one guy who trying to price his crap for 2200usd for a sculpt + paint that's worth 1000usd because he gets yelim work in the advance line lol

predatory for those that don't know how custom work

market exists, just niche audience. even full figure runs arent selling well for resale
Not much has been shown of the full suit aside from early prototypes I think, but so far the only thing that shows promise is his coat.


Kong's coat looks gorgeous in this picture. I mean ****, I'd be really tempted if the price is good.

View attachment 706838

I assume this one is an early iteration? Even though it's labled a "finished project" by Kong. I'm sure futzing would help, but it doesn't sell me in this picture at all.

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honestly, if it doesn't have wires and the pick stitching, I won't be able to tell the difference between this and topo 2.0. they look the same, just one is styled better than the other and as many know, styling his coat is a pain in the ass and if you intend to move or change poses, you're forced to fix the coat in someway or form.

its a meticulous art to futz joker