1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

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I definitely recognize the GG Han, now that you mention it!

I share the same feeling about Arnie handling the HT Han Solo...hopefully the backlash from Indy will ensure that it gets handed to someone else. :pray:
You've really got skills there! I did once make a Deckard out of the Kaiyodo Han so I have done similar sculpting to what you have.

I don't think it matters who does Han, if it's a DX they'll make an arse of it as they'll have to compromise the sculpt YET AGAIN to fit the sodding PERS in!
You've really got skills there!

I don't think it matters who does Han said:
Yes,you only have to take a look to the new t800 DX,it has same problem as Indy,with more likeness,but the eyes....ruin everything...
i hope they will understand in any moment that is more important likeness than moving the eyes,or the tongue....or whatever IMO

HT need to learn that, just because you can do something, it doesn't necessarily mean you should.

It's a shame Enterbay never got an Indy license, then we would have seen something. After their Bruce Lees, most of which did have moving eyes, you would have thought it would have been a prerequisite for all their figures. However, all their best figures have been ones that didn't have moving eyes, did that not tell HT something!?
No it did not..moving eyes means more money :mad:


HT need to learn that, just because you can do something, it doesn't necessarily mean you should.

It's a shame Enterbay never got an Indy license, then we would have seen something. After their Bruce Lees, most of which did have moving eyes, you would have thought it would have been a prerequisite for all their figures. However, all their best figures have been ones that didn't have moving eyes, did that not tell HT something!?
I asked to Enterbay months ago if they had plans for any Indy license,and the answer was "no".
So i hope in future HT could improve the system or ignoring it,at this point is not an improvement..is just a curiosity...but the figures aren't better.
I tend to think they will improve,but doesn't look any plans for more Indy figures in future,we'll have to wait to the SS Indiana Jones 1:2 legendary scale next summer.Probably amounced in San Diego CC.
i guess it will be expensive....
No it did not..moving eyes means more money :mad:

Don't we know it, but it's a silly gimmick and we grow tired of them no matter how much companies insist on foisting them upon us.

I haven't seen a single 3D movie and don't plan to unless it's REALLY special.

I asked to Enterbay months ago if they had plans for any Indy license,and the answer was "no".
So i hope in future HT could improve the system or ignoring it,at this point is not an improvement..is just a curiosity...but the figures aren't better.
I tend to think they will improve,but doesn't look any plans for more Indy figures in future,we'll have to wait to the SS Indiana Jones 1:2 legendary scale next summer.Probably amounced in San Diego CC.
i guess it will be expensive....

HT just need to drop it and concentrate on getting the likenesses dead on. I just can't comment on bashes that use the DX head.

I so hope WGP deliver what we want, or my Indy could remain headless!
We have to commit that customizers are minority,most of the buyers or collector are very happy with his toy moving the eyes.
To us is a nonsense,but i agree BBL.money moves everything and is the reason,they won't stop doing it.
as for the 3d movies,i have seen a lot,because of my children,but i only enjoyed Avatar the rest are like when,years ago, every picture looked like a matrix clon..well,now is time of this,but if you check the old HT figures,they had a great improvement,so i hope they will understand that DX needs a tweak.
Or a different focus
The question is,once you have the DX toy,how many time you guys moved the eyes?maybe the first week?and then?you has to see a odd face day after day...i think likeness is more important....
Well not all DX are bad..personally I love my batman and joker DX 1989.

Personally I think Hot toys owes us a new indy or someone else from the franchise. There is a lot of criticism on the Indy DX. I like it personally, but a lot of people don't. If I were HT I'd show them we could do better. People say Arnie Kim is not the right guy for the job. I think they are wrong. He is a good sculpter. I think the wrong guy on the job is the one who OKAYS the sculpt. No matter what a reputation someone has, he/she needs criticism!

HT should not look at the sales of the DX indy. If it were the perfect Indy, they could milk the franchise dry and eveyone on this board alone would buy every figure! They should think, let's give it another try with input from the customizers. They look at the details, not the overall figure.

We have to commit that customizers are minority,most of the buyers or collector are very happy with his toy moving the eyes.
To us is a nonsense,but i agree BBL.money moves everything and is the reason,they won't stop doing it.
as for the 3d movies,i have seen a lot,because of my children,but i only enjoyed Avatar the rest are like when,years ago, every picture looked like a matrix clon..well,now is time of this,but if you check the old HT figures,they had a great improvement,so i hope they will understand that DX needs a tweak.
Or a different focus
The question is,once you have the DX toy,how many time you guys moved the eyes?maybe the first week?and then?you has to see a odd face day after day...i think likeness is more important....
Hi!as for what i see,i'm not the onlyone that is not happy with the PERS....or at least how it is presented now.
Do you think guys that if we write a letter signed for all of us expressing to HT our concerns about how the PERS affects to the quality of the figures would mean anything?
We all speak,but i guess nobody from HT reads this,so is like crying in the moon....
how many would be interested about signing a letter of this kind?respectful,of course but pointing our concerns....
of course if we're 3 persons,is better forget it....
just curious....
Yes,we speak and we buy,but the other option is doing nothing...
Let me explain,i have been around for some years in these forums,reading posts and learning,some of you guys are masters customizing.
i have prefered to be silent because i'm an artist from Marvel comics,my name is Salvador Larroca,and i prefer to be one more in the 1/6 world because i need a break from comics,haters,etc..here i'm not relevant..same as if Mick Jagger comes here.
don't misunderstand me,i'm not so important of course as Mick Jagger is,but is just a way to speak,here i'm just a guy that shows his work and just speak about his hobby with other friends...
Some of you are much more relevant,and most considered than me in this world.
yes,we buy but we are a lot of people in the sideshow collectors forums,if you spread this to other threads and we send a letter to HT maybe they could think about,like a sigle person,i'm not anybody...
of course i still buy,and my money has to speak,i don't like the Indy dx version,but i have at least 4 with different heads to the HT,in fact,they're all in the box with unuseful things..this is not good for them,because except the Batman,Sparrow and Jocker DX,the rest are poor likeness figures,(and PERS works in these figures because Bats is a mask,Jocker and Sparrow have strong make up that makes less important the facial features....)
Well,i'm not triying to change the world,neither a revolution,just pointing that we are paying a lot of money for poor versions.
HT should know what we think....even we all like what they do....
of course,this is my opinion,this is why i'm asking you guys about...
I agree that the quality sometimes does not stand up to the price we are now paying for Hot Toys, but you said yourself, despite not liking the DX05, you bought 4 of them. As long as Hot Toys can keep selling out their releases, there is no motivation for them to make any sort of change to any aspect of their operation.
But you don't loose anything letting them your concerns,or the concerns of 200 buyers,they don't sell to my mother,they sell to me,if i'm not happy,maybe tomorrow i won't buy.....you're a client and they have market studies in order to know what works and what not....
they recently cancelled the Green Lantern franchise,because the film didn't worked too well,so they are staring how things are moving....
Well,is just my opinion,if you don't agree guys,a promise do bother you more with this....