1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

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I am not discrediting the power of voicing our opinions, I think that a collective outcry can have an impact. I just believe that since HT is in the business of making money, until these releases that are widely regarded as "mediocre" reflect that dissatisfaction in sales, they aren't really going to feel the need to consider our input on future releases. :duff
I agree, if anyone makes such a letter I'd be happy to sign it. But like you said the reality is that when I look on facebook alone, every HT figure gets hundreds of likes. It's like HT is the place to be, we all just go with the flow. Speaking for myself, I like HT predator series and terminator series too. Some sculpts are hit some are miss, but overall I like my collection. But nowadays, when I look at a figure like Nick Fury (sam jackson) I am like, WTF is that blown up head? Don't they have someone who handles quality when they release a figure? I am graphic designer and when I have a lot of sometimes I take shortcuts so I understand if a sculpter does the same sometimes, but there has to be someone else who sets him/her straight.

Yes,we speak and we buy,but the other option is doing nothing...
Let me explain,i have been around for some years in these forums,reading posts and learning,some of you guys are masters customizing.
i have prefered to be silent because i'm an artist from Marvel comics,my name is Salvador Larroca,and i prefer to be one more in the 1/6 world because i need a break from comics,haters,etc..here i'm not relevant..same as if Mick Jagger comes here.
don't misunderstand me,i'm not so important of course as Mick Jagger is,but is just a way to speak,here i'm just a guy that shows his work and just speak about his hobby with other friends...
Some of you are much more relevant,and most considered than me in this world.
yes,we buy but we are a lot of people in the sideshow collectors forums,if you spread this to other threads and we send a letter to HT maybe they could think about,like a sigle person,i'm not anybody...
of course i still buy,and my money has to speak,i don't like the Indy dx version,but i have at least 4 with different heads to the HT,in fact,they're all in the box with unuseful things..this is not good for them,because except the Batman,Sparrow and Jocker DX,the rest are poor likeness figures,(and PERS works in these figures because Bats is a mask,Jocker and Sparrow have strong make up that makes less important the facial features....)
Well,i'm not triying to change the world,neither a revolution,just pointing that we are paying a lot of money for poor versions.
HT should know what we think....even we all like what they do....
of course,this is my opinion,this is why i'm asking you guys about...
HA,HA When i saw the Nick Fury-Samuel L jackson sculpt,i thought the same thing!!!
Suposely Kojun and Jully are the persons that approve or not the headsculpts,in fact,and if my info is not wrong,was Kojun who revised and redid the Arnie Kim Indy sculpt...with the results that we all know....so,i wonder why,if i notice the fails in sculpts and you too,why they not?
What about something like this?please,keep in mind english is not my birth languaje,so if i misspelled something or use the wrong sentence or whatever,please rewrite it or do another improved version.
anyway,i think is respectfull and express our concerns.
if you agree and what to share this in other trheads until we get a good amount of signatures we then could decide the best way to send this to HT,maybe facebook or if any has a better option is a good moment to speak.

Dear Hot Toys crew.
My name is Salvador and i'm writting this letter in name of some of the members of the Sideshows collectors and customizers (bellow signers).
We all love and collect the figures that you develop,we honestly thing that are probably the best figures ever done,but we also noticed that in the DX series,when you use the PERS system,likeness gets hurt.
We think you should improve or remove that system until you can offer the likeness experience that deserves shuch expensive product.
We consideer that moving the eyes is something secundary,and that probably only is "funny" to use for a few times,but the lack of likeness affects along forever to the quality of the figures,even when they use to be more expensive.
This is specially an evidence in the Indiana Jones figure,Luke Skywalker,the future terminator DX and othe dx products,especially when features are more human and not masks like Batman or make-ups like jocker or Sparrow.
Please we plea you consideer our buyers opinion just like a try to help you to improve to do something that any other couldn't do before,we are all creative people,and we think that now are hard times and offering the best is the main way to grown.
salvador larroca
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It could work. Who knows? Salvador, would you permit me to edit your letter for better English (I've been doing that a lot lately as a consultant for a publisher in Germany and for a former colleague from the University where I used to teach)? It might not matter, because English isn't their native language in Hong Kong, either, but it certainly couldn't hurt.

G., Why correct Salvador's English, have you read some of the stuff that HTs prints on their boxes? :rotfl

What he is articulating seems spot-on.
G., Why correct Salvador's English, have you read some of the stuff that HTs prints on their boxes? :rotfl

What he is articulating seems spot-on.

Obviously I have, but if you notice he asked for it. I agree that his points are spot on and they aren't at all lost, but the letter's readability can be improved. And FYI, I've noticed that people who aren't native English speakers often have trouble reading the English of other people who also aren't native English speakers.
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Salvador, since you requested it (missed that part at first, hence the ghost post), I went ahead and edited your letter to improve the English. It might not matter, since Hot Toys is based in Hong Kong, and English isn't their native language, either, and sometimes their English is downright lousy as Ebor pointed out, but it certainly can't hurt.

Dear Hot Toys Crew.
My name is Salvador and I'm writing this letter on behalf of the collectors and customizers on the Sideshow Collectors forum, who have signed below.
We all collect the figures that you develop, and we love them and honestly think that are probably the best figures ever done, but we have also noticed that the PERS system in the DX series often hurts the figures’ likenesses.
We believe that you should either improve that system or remove it altogether until you can consistently offer the likeness quality that such an expensive product deserves.
We consider eye movement to be secondary. It is fun to use for a short time, but likeness issues will always affect these expensive products, which should be of a higher quality.
This problem is especially evident in the Indiana Jones figure, the Luke Skywalker figure, and the new Terminator DX figure, since their faces are clean and they are not masked characters like Batman, or characters wearing make-up like Joker or Jack Sparrow.
As customers, we ask that you please consider our opinion on this. While your products are still better than anyone else’s, we believe this can help you make them even better. We are all creative people, we know that times are tough right now, and we hope that you will agree with us that offering the very best product is the best way to grow.
Salvador Larroca
Obviously I have, but if you notice he asked for it. I agree that his points are spot on and they aren't at all lost, but the letter's readability can be improved. And FYI, I've noticed that people who aren't native English speakers often have trouble reading the English of other people who also aren't native English speakers.

Point taken:lecture

This type of letter needs to find HTs VERY soon. I pray they listen, or even consider the general feeling of what is being conveyed and being echoed by many concerned collectors.
HT apparently reads this forum and I just got a glimpse of HT's response to your letter:

"HA! Thank you for your letter. We don't care. We are three years ahead of where you are. You no like we make 2.0."
Lol @ worgar

In regards of the letter. I agree, but shouldn't it say something on qualitycontrol? A figure at that (rising) price should not be hit or miss. It should always be a hit. I know making a sculpt is hard, but every release has to be perfect or near perfect. I took the example of nick fury wich made me furious (lol). The customs that people are eagerly selling are better than ht. I'd hang onto one if i owned it.

I say the collectors should stand together on the entire subject.
Nice ideas, but, there are the HT fanboys, the ones that populate the cons and such-like, that we'd never talk round. So long as they snap up every figure HT ever makes the moment it comes up for pre-order, their money will always take precedence over the discordant voices of what, to HT, might seem like a minority.

Money talks, and the figures sell. Regardless of what anyone does to the figure after they bought it, the fact remains that they bought it. A sale is a sale.

Look how much we pleaded for them to change the head, and did they!? HT are big enough and bull-headed enough to think that they are right. Somebody at HT said PERS was a cool idea, and it was decided, by whichever means they do so, that it was, end of.

Sorry, but, I'm afraid that is the way we'll find the cookie crumbles.
As i sayd, i'm o.k. with the editing,now is up to you guys,but i think we should sent it to the HT facebook page were more HT fans could read it too.
Regular fans don't use to have a high level of exigence,but they have eyes too,and they also pay money...people change its mind.
Maybe some of these HT lovers may agree...i'm a very private guy,and i don't have facebook account,if we get a good number of signatures,any of you could send it to HT.
we don't have anything to loose.
I'm very gratefully that you guys are being so kind to read my suggestions...but we should share this...
yes we should!

As i sayd, i'm o.k. with the editing,now is up to you guys,but i think we should sent it to the HT facebook page were more HT fans could read it too.
Regular fans don't use to have a high level of exigence,but they have eyes too,and they also pay money...people change its mind.
Maybe some of these HT lovers may agree...i'm a very private guy,and i don't have facebook account,if we get a good number of signatures,any of you could send it to HT.
we don't have anything to loose.
I'm very gratefully that you guys are being so kind to read my suggestions...but we should share this...
let's go ahead then.
who could share this?,who's a well know member that could share this?anyway you should start signing the edited letter,addidng real name or just nickname,or both?
need some help here....i'm not a famous member here in any of the trheads....
if we get 200 would be great,more would be awesome,but anyway if we just get 50,we also should send it.
Maybe they ignore it,but we would have done the right thing.
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C'mon Roger,we're not asking you to get married,you don't have to do anything if you don't this is a good purpose,but i think it is...
if it works,could be good for all of us.
Anyway i just reminded i know a person in Marvel that knows the top of the HT crew(since they hold the marvel rights to do theyr figures),so probably i could afford them with some luck,next week i'll meet this person and i'll let you know what he says...he's big fan of my work,and that's good for this purpose.
but is a good thing triying different ways....
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I still agree, but I would push for quality control and that fans are willing to buy an entire line if the quality is right.


C'mon Roger,we're not asking you to get married,you don't have to do anything if you don't this is a good purpose,but i think it is...
if it works,could be good for all of us.
Anyway i just reminded i know a person in Marvel that knows the top of the HT crew(since they hold the marvel rights to do theyr figures),so probably i could afford them with some luck,next week i'll meet this person and i'll let you know what he says...he's big fan of my work,and that's good for this purpose.
but is a good thing triying different ways....