1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

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Looks amazing mate!

You unwittingly may have just got yourself an exclusive "New Adventures of Indiana Jones" reboot figure starring Chris Pratt.

I can see him as a future Indy when they inevitably reboot the series so this may be what we can expect one day.

Still would like to see Ford do at least one more and end on a high
LOL, It wasn't directed at you Superman1983.

Just in general about Indiana Jones and Harrison Ford.
I know how you feel, It would ruin the legacy of the character and original films.

As they say "don't fix what isn't broken".
Okay here is everything put together . Kato Indiana Jones clothing set. Mfisher Raiders set. I am using the Bruce Banner body for more articulation. Chris Prat is just a place holder until my sculpt is painted . I still need to do some messing about to get the pose that I want and the clothes in the right position .View attachment 157673

That is just SO wrong.
It just a placement head for a picture

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Apologies guys. I think I started this one. For me Ford is always going to be Jones, it will always be a Trilogy, and Indiana Jones will always be more than a film to me. But with the likelihood of a disney reboot one day (sorry), i could see this being a potential future release and pratt's head doesn't look too out of place to me. that was all i meant in my comment, it wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

I've mentioned before i would be happy with Indy 5 instead of a reboot, hopefully set a couple of years prior to KOTCS, so no Mutt, no smiling Marion, (like Tod was to ROTLA), giving the opportunity to bring back a couple of characters that have passed away. But thats probably wishful thinking considering the time that has passed even since KOTCS (6 1/2 years. wtf!)

It could be worse, Paul Feige will probably want to start a new trilogy with a female Indy Jones after he's (literally) finished off ghostbusters. God help us.

BTW, Superman 1983, I hope you get the head sculpt that figure deserves. I'm relatively happy with the hot toys sculpt with a slight touch up on the paint, but I'm always in awe at those who really have gone the extra mile!

I'll shut up on the subject now!

i made this for another figure..but thought that it may work out for Indy as well....

a better pic
I may be in the unpopular percentage here… (and granted this is veering off topic).. but in terms of the reboot.. I remember the rumor of Bradley Cooper and I immediately just thought NOOOOO!!! You cannot replace Ford ! Cant be done !! Then I watched a few of his films and realized.. (don't hate me).. But I think Cooper could have hit it out of the park.. Indy young again.. story lines with Abner.. Early run ins with Belloq.. So many story line possibilities.. and Cooper has the look for it.. and most definitely the acting ability… When Daniel Craig was announced to replace Brosnan as Bond I was bent to say the least.. And lo and behold the Craig films are my favorites.. I think a reboot is necessary to carry on the character.. Ford is a great actor.. But Indy is not the adventurer he was now.. KOTCS fell flat.. and Ford just doesn't bring out the Indy character now as he did in Raiders.. Even if you take out the horrid writing, dialog and plot of KOTCS and just look at Ford as Indy.. it just wasn't him.. He no longer was the guy who would shoot down a show off swordsman because he was just too tired from running… The guy who could make a head shot with a short barrel revolver on a target in a speeding truck.. He was just old and somewhat dull… If the series goes on.. I don't want Ford.. Shame it won't be Cooper.. as Pratt just comes off as a fraternity boy.. Regardless.. if a reboot comes out.. I'm going to see it.. and hope to god it spurs on more cool collectible merchandise.. we can at least count on that with Disney at the helm..
I can't partake in a reboot convo.. as much as I really do enjoy Chris Pratt, Id prefer to share new images of my Indy figure. Josh Small captures such extreme detail in his paint work, I tried to illustrate the detail in the close up shot!

Heh, yeah I think Superman1983 was onto something with that Chris Pratt Indy of his earlier! It was all over the news yesterday that Disney is actually seriously considering a reboot with Pratt as Indy now.

And I have to admit, the idea is slowly growing on me. I don't know if it's wise to reboot or not, but if they ARE going to do it, Pratt seems like the perfect choice for it, since he's one of the few actors out there right now who's got the same kind of charisma and swashbuckling energy as Ford back then.

And when it comes down to it, I'd MUCH rather see Indy back in his element in the 30s than watch another weird 50s-set adventure with an old and grumpy Indiana Jones again. Lol
Pratt is already too well known to play Indy, IMO. He has a very promising career without stepping into those shoes. If they plan to reboot, my preference would be for a lesser known actor that can make his career with this franchise. Also someone of a more slight build than Pratt (who I'm glad to see is still in this last season of Parks and Rec, despite rumors to the contrary)