Super Freak
looks great Tali. but i`m not even going to bother with all of that. like i said many times if i was that crazy over accuracy i would just be collecting detolfs ( empty)
Solo writer Jon Kasdan said he really wanted Bossk in the movie but couldn't find a way to include him (he was supposedly one of the cloud riders.)
Then Bossk should've been in Solo at some point. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the filmmakers of Solo should've had Boba Fett be the main villain, not Enfys Nest. The largest missed opportunity of the millennium. It would've made Han's encounter with Boba Fett on Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back WAY more epic and cool.
I'm sure they were probably saving Fett for one of the sequels, as they were clearly expecting the movie to do a whole lot better and start off a Young Han Solo trilogy.
looks great Tali. but i`m not even going to bother with all of that. like i said many times if i was that crazy over accuracy i would just be collecting detolfs ( empty)
Absolutely stunning work Talibane!! Bravo!!
Hasbro arms and legs or modded Sideshow??
Very very nice!
Looks great, Talibane.
Really nice work Talibane! Love the more seamless arms on that, and the fact it's got the fatter lower legs of the movie costume.
Thanks guys.
The arms and legs are very heavily modded Hasbro. And yeah, Bossk's limbs are lumpy and uneven - the SSC limbs are too smooth and the scales too even. And I'm still confused as to why they did ankle and wrist joints instead of just doing two sets of legs/arms with slightly different hand/foot poses so there'd be no seam/join.
Bossk is a super tricky fig to get looking right because he's so skinny overall - not a lot of room to hide stuff. The one thing that still bugs me is that the shoulder emblems need to be higher (SSC put them 1/4" too low) but I'd need a whole other jumpsuit to fix it and I already spent nearly $200 on this figure.
And yeah gg - I hear you but Bossk is an extra special favorite for me - it was one of the first ESB figs I ever got and the character was always in my SW top 5 for some reason. I reflected on that as I built a fully detailed King D-ck ratchet handle for that chest greeblie.I still love the fact that Bossk has "King D-ck": emblazoned on his costume - it's such a perfect nickname for Bossk.
I'm almost done with my BH line-up now - all I have left now is to do a SSC and Hasbro hybrid of IG-88 (Hasbro head and shoulder, plus a few other bits, and redoing the SSC cables.) I'll try to post some pics once the team is together.
Here's my V2 Bossk after yellowing him up a bit more. I also opened the mouth further to match his closeup in ESB, and weathered up the outfit and mechanical doodads a little. Really wish the outfit wasn't such a pale yellow, but don't think there's much I can really do about that.
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I'm sure they were probably saving Fett for one of the sequels, as they were clearly expecting the movie to do a whole lot better and start off a Young Han Solo trilogy.
I'm kind of tired of this trilogy mentality.
what colors did you use on bossk ? and what paint model would be best to use i know there are many paint makers out there just wonder what`s the best to use.