1/6 Sideshow Labria - Scum & Villainy

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pre-ordered and was able to use a $20 off thank you coupon making it a little less salty. 500 ES is pretty nice so I don't expect this to last too long...
Got mine in. Realized recently ot is what I want. Going to start weaning myself off of prequels and focus on ot.
SO Labia in total is limited to 500 @ $275? Low production usually would mean higher $$$....

SO.... Why are the others so expensive? Shouldn't they be cheaper and this guy more? :dunno
SO Labia in total is limited to 500 @ $275? Low production usually would mean higher $$$....

SO.... Why are the others so expensive? Shouldn't they be cheaper and this guy more? :dunno
I'm guessing that a portion of the cost across these figures is the Star Wars license itself and they recognize that they can recoup some of that licensing cost with the more popular figures like Ponda and Greedo. I expect the same pricing with Jabba's palace with Bib Fortuna being the priciest and relative bargains on other, less known characters. My opinion only, not based on hard evidence...
Or, PO's on the others have been pretty low. Thus why the low production amount for this guy.

SO create a rush to PO Labia, thus trying to force others to PO the rest so they don't miss one..

Marketing 101. Create demand when there is none...
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Or, PO's on the other have been pretty low. Thus why the low production amount for this guy.

SO create a rush to PO Labia, thus trying to force others to PO the rest so they don't miss one..

Marketing 101. Create demand when there is none...
Yep, have to agree both with your assessment and their strategy. They're a business and trying to maximize their profit. I didn't need the FOMO to be all in on these OT figures. Are they 30% over priced? Maybe. Can I source my own figures at the same quality for less. Probably not. I understand the marketing and am still just dumb enough to buy them all. I mean, this hobby is pretty much built on that premise, it's just that different people have different things they'll do that for. I went ahead a got Greedo even though I have the original Sideshow one and that's probably the dumbest of all these cantina purchases.
Went ahead and ordered. The good thing with these limited S&V exclusive version figures is that if they turn out crappy you should at least be able to sell it on and break even. I might also go for Bob Fortuna but mostly going to just stick with the cantina aliens.
Went ahead and ordered. The good thing with these limited S&V exclusive version figures is that if they turn out crappy you should at least be able to sell it on and break even. I might also go for Bob Fortuna but mostly going to just stick with the cantina aliens.
Bib is the only one I may have interest in as well.

As I could finally have one to put with my SS Jabba and gang.
Yeah I’d guess these haven’t been selling all that well based on this 500 edition out of the blue. I think the biggest reason being price. These are fairly bare bones figures of background characters. Keeping the price low should have been the goal. They might sell many more on these at $150 than they would at $250+.

The licensing fees play a big part in that I’m sure. 30% of each item plus the actual license fee paid isn’t cheap. These could easily be $200 flat if they didn’t have that Lucasfilm cut. Even Hasbro called out Star Wars by name as not selling well last quarter for them. I think we’ll start to see long license holders not renew unless terms improve. Disney has really tanked Star Wars’ reputation and it’s no longer the ultimate license to get. Hopefully that means lower costs or more value added soon.
Meanwhile, my $20 thank you coupon from a recent purchase wouldn't work on a figure I want to PO that's been up for like 3 months now. And just expired this week.

Thanks SS!! :yess:
I have given up trying to figure out their eligibility algos. I always try and am sometimes pleasantly surprised that it works! :)
Yeah I’d guess these haven’t been selling all that well based on this 500 edition out of the blue. I think the biggest reason being price. These are fairly bare bones figures of background characters. Keeping the price low should have been the goal. They might sell many more on these at $150 than they would at $250+.

The licensing fees play a big part in that I’m sure. 30% of each item plus the actual license fee paid isn’t cheap. These could easily be $200 flat if they didn’t have that Lucasfilm cut. Even Hasbro called out Star Wars by name as not selling well last quarter for them. I think we’ll start to see long license holders not renew unless terms improve. Disney has really tanked Star Wars’ reputation and it’s no longer the ultimate license to get. Hopefully that means lower costs or more value added soon.
Agreed. I’m ordering all of these because these are figures I’ve always wanted and hot toys will never make them.
Star Wars as a brand does not have goodwill right now. Looking at Facebook groups, hot toys and even vintage prices are in the toilet for most items. Sideshow has to cover the licensing fees, but these are way overpriced. They should have made them free shipping (I think the last 3 esb bounty hunters were years ago) or made them cheaper. Casuals are not paying 300 plus for any of these, outside of possibly Greedo.
It’s also market saturation. Hot toys has a ton of preorders that all look great and they are hot toys. I have around 20 hot toys on my radar right now. I can’t possibly get all of them. Also, Sideshow figures are iffy quality at best. I personally love my skiff Lando but people are gun shy about sideshow and quality.
As of right now, this is still not on waitlist. That’s at least 2+ hours of an extremely low edition size.
I’m hopeful we still get the jabba denizens if these continue to stiff…
Wasn’t sure about this one

But limited to 500 only - I‘ll give it a try
PO’d too, partly due to FOMO (“limited” to 500) and nostalgia.

Screen time was brief in the movie but it left an indelible mark on my childhood as the Catina scene “devil.” :devil

Would have been nice to have a non-EX version at another retailer, could have saved roughly $40 - $50 from Sideshow’s markup (plus tax & shipping).

If the figure gets delayed, can cancel and get the PO NRD back.