Dorgmal Snow
Super Freak
owwww eeeeeee all looking grand!!!!!!!
Hey fellas. Say hello to the CYBORG!!!!
I've lost count how many hours I spent on this guy and how much of an utter pain in the arse it was but after well over a year on and off...he's done
The warhammer purists will dislike it I'm sure, but I wanted to try my own take on things. I think I've just about got away with the design without making it look like a collection of bits glued to the figure.
Little commentary from a "warhammer purist"
they are not Jet boosters on the backpack. they are the Exhaust vents, like the tailpipe of your car.
Secondly, while he's not a marine, there is something in warhammer that he DOES look like.
He resembles an Obliterator
Alternatively, you could slap a skull and cog on him paint dome red on him, or give him a red hooded robe/ cloak, and he's instantly a Skitarii
or a Admech Praetorian Servitor
regardless, he looks awesome
Dam Dorgs, now i feel like i want to do a chaplain too, . . . .my wallet hates you, but i still fancy you lol or your models at least :c
Yep I am gonna add some bits down the side of the wings...Next up is Sercans Chaplain......
Yep I am gonna add some bits down the side of the wings...Next up is Sercans Chaplain......