Yeah, I?ll throw in another recommend for the DAM Toys body. I?ve only had one Easy Simple body, but I found it very loose, while I?ve never had a problem with the DAM bodies. The one you linked to used to be my go-to for a necked body, but they have a new one that?s more like the Hot Toys Han Solo body and I think the proportions of the chest and neck are a bit better:
But for a necked sculpt like the JNIX, there?s also the older DAM body that they sold with Walking Dead heads, and recently used for a Gangster Kingdom figure, so looking for that one is probably your best bet.
On the subject of the Supermad K, mine finally got through customs and is supposed to get here tomorrow, so I?m really excited for that.
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I like the bodies , but the wrist pegs are hard for find, and the foot pegs never work for me with HT stuff.
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