Awesome price.
Great figure for the greatest tv show ever.
Great figure for the greatest tv show ever.
Sure they will do more than just Walt. Maybe the next preorder will come up in 5 days time??? lol
Definitely want this! Question though. I've never ordered from threezero before. Should I buy directly from them if I live in the US or will somewhere like BBTS have this for sale also?
Haven't been able to find a better reference image wearing the same clothing - online - if I could remember the specific episode I could make a screen cap myself.
View attachment 167580
Looks good. Sculpt is solid. Wonder if I can get an ElevenToys hazmat set without the headsculpt. Or, maybe just wait 'til they get to it.
How long between preorders and actual sales? And, please tell me I don't have to be at their website the minute this goes live to actually buy one. Certainly BBTS or somebody else will carry them. Right?
Haven't been able to find a better reference image wearing the same clothing - online - if I could remember the specific episode I could make a screen cap myself.
View attachment 167580
Either way, looks like 3Zero isn't slavishly attentive to detail. Neither pattern matches this: