I bought a pair of the Wolfking shoes a few days ago and am looking for a decent pair of pants. but this figure is really good for the price and what it comes with. A little TLC goes a long way with this figure.
Looks damn nice, congrats!!
What?! You mean you won't spend another $375 for an Iminime sculpt on top of a $150 figure? That's crazy talk
I think you worked hard to get the Threezero looking good. Congrats. And ignore the trolls.
Ive literally been told that must've havent seen the iMINIME head since I like this one better. Im sitting there like "Really dude?". Im really happy with my setup and its odd to me that people are telling me I shouldnt be.
In case you are looking to significantly upgrade your Threezero figure and replace the headsculpt with the ultimate Walter White headsculpt:
$375+ LMAO
I personally think just futzing the fat suit is enough -
I prefer him not to be too thin -
So here's my Heisenberg. I did a lot of mods/changes to the ThreeZero set.
Natural Lighting
So here's my Heisenberg. I did a lot of mods/changes to the ThreeZero set.
-Swapped body to Hot Toys TTM Narrow Shoulder body
-Fatsuit removed
-Jacket lining/padding removed
-White undershirt replaced with Hot Toys T1000 shirt
-Hands replaced with Hot Toys Tony Stark hands with handmade real gold wedding ring.
-iMINIME glasses
-New pants/belt
-Double Play shoes (painted black)
-Bag of Blue Sky
-Custom handmade environment stand made with genuine pinewood, poplar, Arizona brush and dirt.
Excuse the bad quality pictures. Ill be taking new ones with my DSLR soon.
Natural Lighting
Detolf Lighting