I never really understood why most of the redesign turtles of recent (since the Jim Lee redesign) end up looking the same - a big pile of green-looking buff guys with unnecessary gear to make them identifiable. While these look more closer to the original, I feel that the different shapes and types of the turtles from each other, as well as the gear they make sort of defeats the purple of being a ninja, so to speak. I mean, ninjas are suppose to be fast and stealth-like. I don't think Ralphael, who is usually drawn and the bigger and muscular turtle all can hide in the shadows nor flip over roof tops. The older designs of the turtles from the comics that Mondo is doing 1/6 figs of made more sense as they were short and a bit on the thin side.
I try not to be bias as I grew up with the 80s turtles. I think the best revision of the turtles as of recent are the current CGI cartoon as they are true to the classic comics as being thin and small, yet have new stuff added to them to give them different looks without it going overboard like the live action movie and this.