I got mine in over the weekend and i have to say this figure is AWESOME!!!! I have never bought a non-licensed or custom figure before. But I am a huge fan of the film and didnt want to pass this up and when I saw they were doing Furiosa that sealed the deal for me to get this. Max is far better than i ever expected it to be. The sculpt is wonderful and the accessories are fantastic. Is it 100% perfectly accurate? No. But its pretty close and really nice out of the box. I have no complaints about any of the accuracy. Its a figure to represent the movie for me, and they did a great job at a great price. It took a while to put all the accessories together but i thought it was fun.
It's pretty cool how a lot of you are trying to improve it. I think the leg brace is really the only thing I would like to improve, but its ok, i prefer stock figures, and i am not a customizer.
Overall i give this a 10/10 figure. Its one of my favorites that I own now. Can't wait to get Furiosa!!! If there was 1 figure i would want from any film out there, it would be her
Here is a pic of my Max.
View attachment 323745
also anyone managed to slip the pistol magazine into the right top pocket with bullets facing up? the slot seems too tight for it.
also those who DIY the bracelet care to tell what size of strings did you use?
I made two modifications to get the pistol mag in the pouch with the bullets up:
First, I cut the flap for that pouch off the vest.
Second, I trimmed the bottom of the magazine down.
For the DIY bracelet, I used some 1mm nylon chord that I got at Michael's. Unfortunately, they didn't have any in the appropriate color, so I used a light grey and painted it.
hi, is 1mm nylon easy to get sorry i don't usually sew things.
also i checked typical paracord is 4mm diameter is 1mm too thick? from your pics the end product looks ok though.
1 mm was the perfect size.
This is what I used: https://www.michaels.com/bead-landing-nylon-cording-value-pack/10393570.html#q=Nylon+chord&start=1
Finally got a chance to unbox and put together this amazing figure. Even though I'm a big fan of the movie, I resisted getting this for the longest time. But when Furiosa was announced, I knew I had to make room for another franchise in my collection. I hope Immortan Joe and a Mel Gibson version are next.
I weathered the clothing and face a bit. Thanks to everyone who posted their mods for the inspiration. However I kept the leg brace upside down. I think it looks more interesting that way.
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do you need to make sure the orientation is correct when braiding? coz mine though shape is correct, isn't laying flat on the table it's like curvy zig zag, iron pressing it helps. it's difficult to keep it staying put when i'm working on it and everytime i tighten a braid it seems to twist around and i can't make up which side is up.
also any times on closing the bracelet i find the hole left from the scrap line too small i have to end up using needle to get the ends through.
and lastly i have difficulty closing the final end knot close to the bracelet. the end knot seems abit too long for the length from the bracelet to the knot around 0.8cm which is long compared to the one they use in the movie. yours seems to have no gap.
This is the exact guide I followed.
this method involves precision measurement on the lower strand so you get the exact length by knotting all the way down. most sites recommend cutting off the bottom U and also the excess on the cobra knots and use the straight instead of the side ends to close the knot. the advantage in your video is no cutting involved so you have a full length of paracord when you untie it and there is no need to melt & close the ends & looks neat. problem is for 1/6 scale it's really difficult to get the measurement correct so you get the correct amount of knots to cover the wrist. i calculated for 1mm you need exactly 30 knots including the top knot.
I think you're overthinking it. Just use it a guide for the technique. Cut a length of chord and start braiding. If it ends up too short, try again with a longer piece. Or, you can just start with a really long piece and when it is long enough, do the closure and cut off the excess. It doesn't have to be perfect, it's for a doll, after all.