The latest pics of her look pretty darn good.I mean, let's keep this in perspective. Go pop your head into the Selene thread and then come back here for a true appreciation of how great this looks.
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how the hell do you see dicaprio in tha sculpt???lol
I agree. I was really hoping i was wrong when i first called out others for saying "vts is a better figure than arts" when it hadn't even come out yet. I legitimately wanted this to wow me but it doesn't. Its a decent headsculpt but not as good as the promo shots. I would rather put the money toward a ML sculpt than this.I dunno... think I'll do a kit bash with my AF. Prefer the shoulder pad and weathering of the AF...
VTS now has them on their Facebook as their official production photos:
I agree. I was really hoping i was wrong when i first called out others for saying "vts is a better figure than arts" when it hadn't even come out yet. I legitimately wanted this to wow me but it doesn't. Its a decent headsculpt but not as good as the promo shots. I would rather put the money toward a ML sculpt than this.
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It's a good base figure... but definitely needs weathering and not such a contrast between black and tan.
Wonder why the arm and shirt sleeve are so devoid of weathering?
Anyway, those who can do good weathering will have an excellent figure. Like I said, it's a great base.
Only thing I will nitpick on the figure is the leg brace is upside down. And the straps are in the wrong postion. Luckily I'm getting a leg brace from fullmetal.
oh yea, the piston is suppose to be on the bottom outer not the top outer, but if you flip it upside down , then the piston will be on the inside :/