Re: 1/6 Wampa- WIP (Wampa in Progress)- Figures in Progess!
Galactiboy posted his direct e-mail address earlier. Has anyone tried contacting him via the e-mail? Not sure if he's on any social media.
This site went through some major upheavel some months back and I've noticed some members who used to be on here a lot aren't here as much anymore.
It's on... I was on vacation the last week so I didn't get a lot done. But I'm close on the first group being finished.
I super appreciate how cool everyone is, just a bit more and these babies will be rolling out. Again, if the forum disappears again don't worry as I have all of your contact information. But just in case you can't contact me here for whaterver reason here is my email:
Galactiboy posted his direct e-mail address earlier. Has anyone tried contacting him via the e-mail? Not sure if he's on any social media.
This site went through some major upheavel some months back and I've noticed some members who used to be on here a lot aren't here as much anymore.