The Environments are where I pretty much draw the line. I own every SW 1:6 figure SS has put out thus far for SW and Indy but with already investing in 12-14 1:6 figures a year this is enough strain on the wallet . I do think the environments are pretty sweet and will break down and get one depending on funds and what it is but I'm not going for the environment is the exclusive for this peice like they did iwth Thrawn , Belloq and Toht, as cool as they were I wasn't dropping another 75-150
Don't get me worng as a said before I think they are cool and there are a few I plunked down $$$ for like Jabbas Thrown, and Palpys Throne which I feel are part of the Character but the Idol Chamber, Arc , fridge , Thrawns command chair and the Greedo environment are just fluff too me . I even passed on the Carbonite Block last year and Thrawn was the first SS Exclusive that I missed . Ona day I may get the Carbonit Block and the Thrawn looks awsome with the chair but It becomes overkill when you have Palpy and I just don't have the room.