Dorg, have you considered doing the main hold of the Falcon? Y'know with the dejarik table and Han's computer console. If you were feeling really adventurous you could even connect it to the cockpit by making the hallway. Now that would be something.
Yeah I want to stick to the OT stuff and an A-wing would be cool Chaka and would go really well on your self
And Darth Neil!!! we have talked about the death star before!! and I AM NOT DOING IT!! (Well not all of it LOL. I did the maths and it would be 7 miles wide!! TOO BIG LOL
ltm438 I have thought about it... I think it would be brilliant, I may have a go at just the seat if I every got a dejarik table.. Maybe one day. It would make a great corner dio!
Well the front is on (Chuffin tough that was!!!) and just needs sanding down. Next is the re-movable canopy!!!! JOY
Your a crazy, crazy man but only a good modeler ever is.
Pffft, Tie Interceptor is what its all about. Ooooo! Oooo!! What about just a cockpit of one? Or maybe a snowspeeder. That would be pretty awesome and tiny enough to store.
I have a magazine from about ten or so years back with blue prints of most of the rebel ships, I think it even has the layout for Echo Base. If I find it I'll scan them and send them along to you, its a great magazine and I have no idea where I got it.