Now that you mentioned it, I did a comparo between the stock figure and your's and yeah.....those candy sabers really don't speak much whereas your touch up surely adds a bit more flair, some drama to whatever pose you set the General in.
And dude. Cathodes would rock this already epic figure. That is one mod that I can conjure up the guts to undertake although I'd need guidance. What say?
This figure definitely screams cathodes!! I have a few that I use with other figures but I would be short one green to make it happen. The man to talk to on here is katkuru. I bought all of mine from him and if you look up his thread, I believe he put a tutorial in there once showing how to do it. However I'm not 100% sure about that. It might have been someone else but either way he did offer them a while back. I'm not sure if he still does but he may be able to lead someone in the right direction. I do think this will need to be done at some point for Grievous!!