Super Freak
Little disapointed in the base, they could have shown that back at comic con if that was the intent, instead of using it for fett. I was really hoping for something from the star destroyer.
Sideshow has gotten lazy with some of their stuff, IMO. Every EX clone comes with a 'different' stand is a prime example of this to me
Just thought about this:
What if SS made all the bounty hunters and finish the "line" with the TESB Vader?
Same reason why they have made 500 different clones....
That'd be cool, but I still want Hot Toys to do the Vader.
Sideshow did a great job with the New Hope doubt they'll do an even better job with the ESB/Jedi combo that we'll see soon.
I don't own any Hot Toys stuff, but they seem to handle characters like Vader, with the armor and electronics, real well. Sideshow handles armor well too, hence I own two clones and preordered Boba, but I just think Hot Toys would make the superior, albeit more expensive version of Vader. I'd buy a Sideshow ESB Vader too, though.
Does Watto count as human![]()
SS will do just fine...
its a Sloth......
Three or four toed?![]()
Nevermind..Apone beat me to the punch.![]()
To stay on topic, though, I want IG-88, but I want to make sure they make all the bounty hunters from ESB before buying him. Boba is, well Boba, but I wouldn't buy any other ESB bouny hunters unless we get the whole set.
No love for Zuckuss? I always liked him. Never cared for Dengar; he always looked like he was in a cliche car accident.