Darth Cruel
Super Freak
It better! You paid a premium, afterall.
Heck, I got a good deal on it. Particularly, when you look at how much it seems to be going for in general.
It better! You paid a premium, afterall.
My wife is from Hong Kong, so, similar neighborhood so to speak.
I agree that there is an inevitable power shift going on, with China in the drivers seat. Global domination today is all about finances. China will be quite happy to keep the world the way it is, as long as they get all the money they can. Things have changed drastically, wars are a waste of time and resources, why spill blood when people will willingly give you their money. Why would you rock the boat when we are their best customers?
One thing China has learned to do well is to win the games started by other players. Nobody can compete with them in the manufacturing side, but I am sure a couple hundred years from now there will be another power shift, as their people grow soft and accustomed to an easy life with high wages, just as we have.
I wasn't expecting a conversation about China when I popped into this thread.![]()
So have all the 750 exclusive editions been taken? I haven't ordered the regular edition yet as I'm on the wait list. But I have a feeling my chances are nil.
I jumped on the wait list about a week after it sold out. My exclusive converted and shipped today.
They are in the tray on the bottom along with the sash accessories.
The base is so nice... I gave it to marmit fett![]()
And Ig88
Here's my iphone pic, thought it had some atmosphere so thought I'd post it