1/6th Scale Quality

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This thread is about the quality of Sideshow's 1/6 scale figures, and not whether Medicom or Sideshow make better figures. We have plenty of other threads where we discuss this issue about which company makes the better figures.
That said, I think Sachiel made some excellent points that Sideshow should address. I still believe they make great products and with these improvements they'll only become the best at what they do.
jlcmsu said:
Hot Toys and the rest tend to look about as cheap as the figures I see at the Dollar Store.



Justin and what does that cost? Then add at least 25% for the Star Wars License, whats that add up to? Would you be willing to pay that for an entire Star Wars line?
Shai Hulud said:
Not to be a jerk to medicoms fans, but show me one figure that they made that looks like a human character and not an ''artistic interpretation'' (yeah right!!!) of the character...

I stare at my X3 Wolverine every day and marvel at its likeness to Jackman- I love it!
The only reason I buy sideshow figures more than any others is because of the head sculpts, no other company comes close. Can the accessories be better? Yes. Can the costumes be made better? Sometimes yes. Can the body be better? Yes. Every company has its strong point, but I think sideshow does a good enough job with the custumes and the body that they are worth it at their price point. Yes, they can certainly do better. I think sideshow makes an effort to improve their products, sometimes I wished they had more testing done before putting something out and give fans a little more input into possible prototype changes that are within reason.
I just feel for the price we should get a little more. I don't pay retail for Medicom, so I feel I get what I pay for them, same with HT. With SS, though, I just wish they'd up the ante some more. Constructive criticism is a good thing.
jlcmsu said:
Really? They are the best stuff on the market and priced way under what the other companies charge. How is that not a steal? Think the bodies are ****? Fine! Maybe you should find a board for whatever figures you consider have better bodies. :rolleyes:

Well, when you're going to make figures based on movie characters you might want them to look like the actors or close to as possible. Not some weird Asian cousin of the sculptor. Well, they won't get more of my money till they can show they can do realistic sculpts and make them look good. Well, maybe you should follow your own words their Nash.
Josh, if I remember correctly you were one of the very ones to jump on people who had any negative comments towards sideshow and make sure to remind them that all it was is "their opinion" and not fact. Take that into consideration next time too then?

I find fault in every company but I dont have to go around throwing **** into the fan. I notice that when you defend Sideshow you say that you defend them because it is something you are passionate about and a product that you OWN and like. Well same goes for other people. Other people own Medicom or Hot Toys, so how about some consideration for them as well? Or is this only about what Josh wants?

Forgot to add, why do they HAVE to go with realism just because they are producing figures from movie based characters? Medicom's flair is more of an anime style, why can you not just accept that instead of trying to force it as "Medicom CANT produce a certain likeness"? Look at wolverine X3 and Jack sparrow, both movie based figures with DAMN GREAT likeness but still has a bit of anime flair to it. That is their direction, Medicom's market is Asia not the US. Have a bit of an open mind that not ALL countries or collectors are marketed towards the same way.

I guess maybe the threat of opposition and competition is too much to handle for some people clinging on to sideshow threads so they choose to make negative comments instead of appreciate something for what it is, and not what it is not.
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I'll tell you one thing I like better about Medicom.. You can easliy sing this:


yup. :D Do we really have to get into this again? The dumbest and most pointless of all subjects?
pixletwin said:
I'll tell you one thing I like better about Medicom.. You can easliy sing this:


yup. :D Do we really have to get into this again? The dumbest and most pointless of all subjects?

I agree, but too bad some people can't use a little more tact when expressing their opinions instead of making hypocritical comments.
Sachiel said:
We've already been over the horrible Art Buck body.:monkey1


LOL. Yep, that's always been one of my major Sideshow bugbears since day 1with Frankenstein's Monster.

Other improvements - I echo the many mentioned already... but I look at some of the recent DiD product out there with their absolutely gorgeous attention to detail in both the costuming & equipping depts and can't help but feel that SSC ought to at least be giving us leather boots and fabric pouches by now.

SSC needs a new body. The figures need to have some muscle tone to them, because right now they look way too thin, which is one reason the pants look baggy because there isn't much leg inside it. Once you have a more realistic body the clothes will hang better, then they can work out the tailoring which needs to be tweeked a little bit.
The head issue is also very real. Although they have amazing sculpts the heads are a little too large.
I think the accessories are all top notch and the boots are especially well done. Han's blaster is very detailed with some nice weathering done to it.
Forgot to add a comment on the boots:
SST should use a softer material, take a look at the type of material Dragon uses for their boots, it's softer, so it can fit tighter, but it's still rigid enough to hold the figures weight around the ankles.
nash said:
Josh, if I remember correctly you were one of the very ones to jump on people who had any negative comments towards sideshow and make sure to remind them that all it was is "their opinion" and not fact. Take that into consideration next time too then?

I didn't state my posts as fact. It was all my opinion. If someone takes what I say as fact that's on them not on me.

nash said:
I find fault in every company but I dont have to go around throwing **** into the fan. I notice that when you defend Sideshow you say that you defend them because it is something you are passionate about and a product that you OWN and like. Well same goes for other people. Other people own Medicom or Hot Toys, so how about some consideration for them as well? Or is this only about what Josh wants?

I didn't go throwing **** into the fan. I stated my opinion against what was said. I said it with passion and those that want to take it any other way it's on them. They have the right to defend the stuff they like as do I when something is said about SS. I did nothing to knock anyones right to say what they like about something compared to SS but I did exert my right to say why I think they are wrong IMO of course. See the way it works for people like you Nash is you go crying about when someone smacks your opinion around. Saying oh be nice to me I can dish it out but can't take it.

nash said:
Forgot to add, why do they HAVE to go with realism just because they are producing figures from movie based characters? Medicom's flair is more of an anime style, why can you not just accept that instead of trying to force it as "Medicom CANT produce a certain likeness"? Look at wolverine X3 and Jack sparrow, both movie based figures with DAMN GREAT likeness but still has a bit of anime flair to it. That is their direction, Medicom's market is Asia not the US. Have a bit of an open mind that not ALL countries or collectors are marketed towards the same way.

Why? Um Let's see they are basing these figures on the movies which where made with REAL actors not cartoons. It doesn't say animated or artistic reprepsentation the package ala GG Animated figures. Have an open mind that I think a lot of collectors want figures based on what they see on screen. That seems to be a point that gets made with every figure if it looks the slightest bit off from the movie. So you may want to as I said be open to that fact.

nash said:
I guess maybe the threat of opposition and competition is too much to handle for some people clinging on to sideshow threads so they choose to make negative comments instead of appreciate something for what it is, and not what it is not.

There is no opposition or competition IMO. SS is leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else. Other folks feel differently which is their right but I just think they are dead wrong. Also incase you forgot where you where at this is SS Freaks. A board dedicated to SS Products by fans of SS. Not Medicom is better than SS! Not Hot Toys! Are you getting it now? :rolleyes:

nash said:
I agree, but too bad some people can't use a little more tact when expressing their opinions instead of making hypocritical comments.

Whatever :rolleyes: I in no way made in hypocritical comment.
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everything seems to go to sideshow vs. medicom vs. hottoys in any posts about quality. they all have there good and bad sides, and its hard to compare them sometimes just on the fact that they all have different ideas about there 1/6th styles etc etc. lets talk about quality of sideshow in this thread, argueing about companies can have its own thread, im not trying to be a ass to the people discussing medicom or sideshow, its just straying for the sideshow quality orriented thread.
mfoga said:
Justin and what does that cost? Then add at least 25% for the Star Wars License, whats that add up to? Would you be willing to pay that for an entire Star Wars line?

I choose quality over quantity any day. Walter Skinner cost me $50 from Sideshow. But he will cost me more than $200 after purchasing all the customizations. Hot Toys seem to cost more because they are sold as imports. Otherwise, why would Sideshow offer them for less when they distribute them?
Show of hands: How many people in this thread didn't own any SSC figures before Star Wars...

I'm not trying to make a point here, I'm just curious.
I owned plenty of figures before star wars... monty python was my first batch, which sideshow did a bang up job. I'm sorry, the point?
Not really meant to have a point, it's just that I have a feeling that a lot of the people who have issue with SSC are newbies. I don't mean that in an offensive or superior way, just it seems to me that there is a lot of new blood that has come in over the last year.

For me personally, discovering SSC 12" figures years back (the first buffy was my fist SSC 12" figure) was a pleasure. Back then finding a higher quality 1/6 figure was impossible. Sure their were Cygirls and cool G-Force figures then, I didn't appreciate them nearly as much. To date, I've only grown fonder of SSC.

I guess, what I'm saying is that some people with issues on quality might not have much of a background in the history of 1/6 scale collecting and may be falling victim to a bit of mob mentality. Kind of like how people's opinions on films are actually pretty influenced by movie reviewers, and many people's opinions on world politics are strongly influenced by media.

I for one love the SSC figures and don't care if they upgrade the bodies. I've been collecting these things for seven years, and I'm more than happy to get what I get for the price I pay. IMHO there is none finer.

...and to comment on an earlier point, I do think sculpt is more important than any other factor and with that SSC is 100% untouchable. That's why I'm posting in a SSC board and not a Hot Toys or Medicom or Dragon board.