1/6th Scale Quality

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Show of hands: How many people in this thread didn't own any SSC figures before Star Wars...

I'm not trying to make a point here, I'm just curious.

I for one didn't.

Not really meant to have a point, it's just that I have a feeling that a lot of the people who have issue with SSC are newbies. I don't mean that in an offensive or superior way, just it seems to me that there is a lot of new blood that has come in over the last year.

For me personally, discovering SSC 12" figures years back (the first buffy was my fist SSC 12" figure) was a pleasure. Back then finding a higher quality 1/6 figure was impossible. Sure their were Cygirls and cool G-Force figures then, I didn't appreciate them nearly as much. To date, I've only grown fonder of SSC.

I guess, what I'm saying is that some people with issues on quality might not have much of a background in the history of 1/6 scale collecting and may be falling victim to a bit of mob mentality. Kind of like how people's opinions on films are actually pretty influenced by movie reviewers, and many people's opinions on world politics are strongly influenced by media.

I for one love the SSC figures and don't care if they upgrade the bodies. I've been collecting these things for seven years, and I'm more than happy to get what I get for the price I pay. IMHO there is none finer.

...and to comment on an earlier point, I do think sculpt is more important than any other factor and with that SSC is 100% untouchable. That's why I'm posting in a SSC board and not a Hot Toys or Medicom or Dragon board.

All true Dave.
Not really meant to have a point, it's just that I have a feeling that a lot of the people who have issue with SSC are newbies. I don't mean that in an offensive or superior way, just it seems to me that there is a lot of new blood that has come in over the last year.

For me personally, discovering SSC 12" figures years back (the first buffy was my fist SSC 12" figure) was a pleasure. Back then finding a higher quality 1/6 figure was impossible. Sure their were Cygirls and cool G-Force figures then, I didn't appreciate them nearly as much. To date, I've only grown fonder of SSC.

I guess, what I'm saying is that some people with issues on quality might not have much of a background in the history of 1/6 scale collecting and may be falling victim to a bit of mob mentality. Kind of like how people's opinions on films are actually pretty influenced by movie reviewers, and many people's opinions on world politics are strongly influenced by media.

I for one love the SSC figures and don't care if they upgrade the bodies. I've been collecting these things for seven years, and I'm more than happy to get what I get for the price I pay. IMHO there is none finer.

...and to comment on an earlier point, I do think sculpt is more important than any other factor and with that SSC is 100% untouchable. That's why I'm posting in a SSC board and not a Hot Toys or Medicom or Dragon board.

:lecture :clap The guy has a point.
For me the head sculpt is GENERALLY the most important part as its really the only part you can't swap out unless you are lucky enough to find a better one from someone like Frontline. Everything else (body, costume, accessories) can be easily tweaked if you want. And to be honest I'd rather have the $50 figure with the perfect sculpt and then spend a bit on upgrading the body (which I haven't done - most of the others I've had have actually been UPGRADED to an Art Buck ;p)

As far as "artistic interpretation" - that's fine if the characters is from a comic book or something - but when its based on a real person/actor I want a replica - not an interpretation :chew

Another thing that doesn't come up re comparing HT vs Medicom vs Sideshow - compare the output from SSC to those others. SSC certainly can pull out the goods with costuming but it would certainly dramatically slow down the number of figures they bring to market as costume R&D time increases, and probably increase the cost (I think the LOTR line is a good example of this).
As a collector of mostly Horror figures,the Headsculpt is what is most important to me: see Jason Voorhees figures.Sideshow made Jason exactly like in the movies.I wouldnt want a cartoon or artistic interpretation of Jason.
JustinLuck said:
I choose quality over quantity any day. Walter Skinner cost me $50 from Sideshow. But he will cost me more than $200 after purchasing all the customizations. Hot Toys seem to cost more because they are sold as imports. Otherwise, why would Sideshow offer them for less when they distribute them?

And just what did you spend that 150 extra on? The different suit that really wasnt needed you got for a backbreaking 10 bucks, dragon body could have been had for even less than 10 bucks, so I what is the other 130 on?
And just what did you spend that 150 extra on? The different suit that really wasnt needed you got for a backbreaking 10 bucks, dragon body could have been had for even less than 10 bucks, so I what is the other 130 on?

LOL, I'm not done yet.
Show of hands: How many people in this thread didn't own any SSC figures before Star Wars...

I'm not trying to make a point here, I'm just curious.

I've gotten a LOT of them before star wars. There have been great ones (CSM, original and autopsy Scully, Doggett, Vamp Buffy, human Spike to name a few) and some real utter disasters (Willow and Faith immediately come to mind). It's the disparity between proto and production figures that has got me down about the 1/6th figures lately. Sh*t, did I just re-open that can of worms?:eek: That and the factories inabilty to paint eyes both looking in the same direction. (Cordelia and I'll mention Buffy PF even though it's a 1/6th thread.)
For me personally, discovering SSC 12" figures years back (the first buffy was my fist SSC 12" figure) was a pleasure. Back then finding a higher quality 1/6 figure was impossible. Sure their were Cygirls and cool G-Force figures then, I didn't appreciate them nearly as much. To date, I've only grown fonder of SSC.

I guess, what I'm saying is that some people with issues on quality might not have much of a background in the history of 1/6 scale collecting...

Ok, so they improved. Don't you want to see them continue to improve?
jlcmsu said:
See the way it works for people like you Nash is you go crying about when someone smacks your opinion around. Saying oh be nice to me I can dish it out but can't take it.
People like me? You know nothing about me boy. From what I remember CF made some good comments about people like YOU which I found pretty hilarious. At the time you were adamant of the fact that CF couldn’t possibly know you in person just from the internet, but here you are again throwing out hypocritical bullcrap and placing the same labels on people that you deny for yourself.
If you want to talk about people like me, let’s do this over the phone. I’d be happy to hear what you have to say.

Believe me Josh, I can dish it out and take it all the same. But if you want to have a contest for who can be the biggest prick, I guarantee you I’ll win hands down. I’m a cool guy but if people want to throw, I’m game.

carbo-fation said:
Nash, you're wasting your time; trust me on this one! He's a lost cause.
I agree CF, it’s just fun to see the guy talk himself into circles. I’m still trying to understand however, how someone can be so ignorant to judge other companies just because their marketing or product direction isn’t the same as sideshow.
There’s nothing wrong with “wanting” the most screen accurate figure from a movie based character but to judge a company’s ability by their different focus is stupid.

Every company puts out great products and at the same time crap products. Will I be so ignorant to sit here and defend every medicom or hot toys figure ever made? Hell no, alot of their stuff is ****. I give sideshow the same treatment. Praise where praise is deserved.
...and to comment on an earlier point, I do think sculpt is more important than any other factor and with that SSC is 100% untouchable. That's why I'm posting in a SSC board and not a Hot Toys or Medicom or Dragon board.
Honestly, the SW and LOTR figures is what brought me to the 12" figure world. I was more interested in props, busts/statues, and still are. figures turned out to be a side hobby so to speak.

Yes I'm a newbie in the figure world, but I dont think it takes a veteran to see how things could be improved upon. However, I can understand how veterans can see these as a Godsend since most of what they had before is Hasbro stuff.

The headsculpts are basically what caused me to buy these figures, but why stop there? There's always room for improvement for any company.
bcm77 said:
If those improvements could be made to the clothing along with a better base body then Sideshow could well make the best 1/6 figures out there and I'd probably start buying them again but unless those changes happen they will remain some way behind the likes of Medicom,Hot Toys and others.

Perfectly said.
nash said:
However, I can understand how veterans can see these as a Godsend since most of what they had before is Hasbro stuff.

See, right there Chad... Maybe you can see where I come from a bit then.

A broad statement to everyone:

We're seeing an action figure revolution here. What's happened in the last couple of years for 1/6 scale collecting is on par with what happened in the late Seventies with 3 3/4 inch figures. For all the toys I've collected over the years, none have interested me more than 1/6 scale. Even before Star Wars. When I was little I was all about Megos and Pulsar. To date, SSC is the only company that has surpassed Mego for likeness (based on available technology, the Mego 12" figures were light years ahead in regards to likeness). These days we are being treated like kings and queens. That is what I think some people might be missing here is that historically speaking collectors have never ever had better products available to them as they do today.

Sideshow, Medicom, and Takara are doing things that were one time considered foolish dreams.

On that topic, I bunch of people have it in their head that I dislike Medicom, and I must say that's the silliest thing I've ever heard. Out of everything I've seen produced from Medicom in the last three years, the only things I don't care for are the ROTS Vader and the Marvel comic heroes. While i appreciate and respect the fact that a lot of collectors like those figures, I just don't think they're that good. At the same time I'm amazed by the rocketeer, Captain jack Sparrow, and X3 Wolvie. For that matter the Spider-Man movie figure is one of the best 1/6 scale figures I've ever seen. For someone to say that Medicom's sculpts suck you have to wonder on what they are basing their opinion. Sure Jedi Luke doesn't look like Mark Hammil, but it does look like Luke Skywalker. Until SSC's Luke came out, it was the best 1/6 scale Luke likeness since Kenner's 1978 (79?) 12" Large Sized Luke figure. So what if they create figures with an artist flair. That's what sells in the market they are designed for. I honestly think that 99% of the negative comments about Medicom are baseless hyperbole.

Bottom line is, comparing Medicom to Sideshow is pointless. Comparing either to Hasbro is equally as pointless. For that matter, comparing any brand to another brand is silly. Certainly all brands could see some improvement, but one is no better than the other. They are all different and cool in their own right. Drawing lines in the sand is elitist and childish.

Buy whatever you like and don't buy what you don't like, but most importantly, respect the fact that everyone likes different things and stop with the bickering. Do whatever, but always keep in perspective that it has never been this good before. We have so many top quality choices. We're seeing figures made we never thought we would see made. Nothing is beyond a 1/6 scale line. The hobby has expanded enough that there is a market for virtually any license. While you might not want toy X, hundreds, if not thousands, of you fellow collectors will want it. And for fault anyone for that is beyond stupid.

I dunno how many books or movies all y'all read/watch, but there is a quote that is as profound here as anywhere: "In the sunset of dissolution, everything is illuminated by the aura of nostalgia, even the guillotine."

In a nutshell, to me, that means that we can only fully appreciate something by knowing it's history. Toy collectors really should understand where things come from, but more importantly they should remember why they started collecting in the first place. If it was because you loved what a toy represents, how it is a welcoming key to a world of adventure and imagination, chances are you truly can appreciate your collection. if that isn't the reason, even on a subconscious level, you really should ask yourself what you're spending you time and money on.
See, right there Chad... Maybe you can see where I come from a bit then.

A broad statement to everyone:

We're seeing an action figure revolution here. What's happened in the last couple of years for 1/6 scale collecting is on par with what happened in the late Seventies with 3 3/4 inch figures. For all the toys I've collected over the years, none have interested me more than 1/6 scale. Even before Star Wars. When I was little I was all about Megos and Pulsar. To date, SSC is the only company that has surpassed Mego for likeness (based on available technology, the Mego 12" figures were light years ahead in regards to likeness). These days we are being treated like kings and queens. That is what I think some people might be missing here is that historically speaking collectors have never ever had better products available to them as they do today.

Sideshow, Medicom, and Takara are doing things that were one time considered foolish dreams.

On that topic, I bunch of people have it in their head that I dislike Medicom, and I must say that's the silliest thing I've ever heard. Out of everything I've seen produced from Medicom in the last three years, the only things I don't care for are the ROTS Vader and the Marvel comic heroes. While i appreciate and respect the fact that a lot of collectors like those figures, I just don't think they're that good. At the same time I'm amazed by the rocketeer, Captain jack Sparrow, and X3 Wolvie. For that matter the Spider-Man movie figure is one of the best 1/6 scale figures I've ever seen. For someone to say that Medicom's sculpts suck you have to wonder on what they are basing their opinion. Sure Jedi Luke doesn't look like Mark Hammil, but it does look like Luke Skywalker. Until SSC's Luke came out, it was the best 1/6 scale Luke likeness since Kenner's 1978 (79?) 12" Large Sized Luke figure. So what if they create figures with an artist flair. That's what sells in the market they are designed for. I honestly think that 99% of the negative comments about Medicom are baseless hyperbole.

Bottom line is, comparing Medicom to Sideshow is pointless. Comparing either to Hasbro is equally as pointless. For that matter, comparing any brand to another brand is silly. Certainly all brands could see some improvement, but one is no better than the other. They are all different and cool in their own right. Drawing lines in the sand is elitist and childish.

Buy whatever you like and don't buy what you don't like, but most importantly, respect the fact that everyone likes different things and stop with the bickering. Do whatever, but always keep in perspective that it has never been this good before. We have so many top quality choices. We're seeing figures made we never thought we would see made. Nothing is beyond a 1/6 scale line. The hobby has expanded enough that there is a market for virtually any license. While you might not want toy X, hundreds, if not thousands, of you fellow collectors will want it. And for fault anyone for that is beyond stupid.

I dunno how many books or movies all y'all read/watch, but there is a quote that is as profound here as anywhere: "In the sunset of dissolution, everything is illuminated by the aura of nostalgia, even the guillotine."

In a nutshell, to me, that means that we can only fully appreciate something by knowing it's history. Toy collectors really should understand where things come from, but more importantly they should remember why they started collecting in the first place. If it was because you loved what a toy represents, how it is a welcoming key to a world of adventure and imagination, chances are you truly can appreciate your collection. if that isn't the reason, even on a subconscious level, you really should ask yourself what you're spending you time and money on.

Dave I know we have had our differences and falling out, but I can honestly say that you have my 100% respect on that post. It is perfectly versed and said.

Also, I think alot of us here are rather "spoiled" in a way to be able to jump into the game with such amazing products that maybe we act it in our own ways sometimes. I have no issues with healthy debate about products, that's what keeps things interesting and im sure it is vital to the companies as well. however the pointless mud slinging is just unnecessary. Why cant we just debate something without draging something else into the mud along with it. I guess it comes with the territory of an online forum and we are not going to all sit in a circle and sing kumbayah about everything. reality.
See, right there Chad... Maybe you can see where I come from a bit then.

A broad statement to everyone:

We're seeing an action figure revolution here. What's happened in the last couple of years for 1/6 scale collecting is on par with what happened in the late Seventies with 3 3/4 inch figures. For all the toys I've collected over the years, none have interested me more than 1/6 scale. Even before Star Wars. When I was little I was all about Megos and Pulsar. To date, SSC is the only company that has surpassed Mego for likeness (based on available technology, the Mego 12" figures were light years ahead in regards to likeness). These days we are being treated like kings and queens. That is what I think some people might be missing here is that historically speaking collectors have never ever had better products available to them as they do today.

Sideshow, Medicom, and Takara are doing things that were one time considered foolish dreams.

On that topic, I bunch of people have it in their head that I dislike Medicom, and I must say that's the silliest thing I've ever heard. Out of everything I've seen produced from Medicom in the last three years, the only things I don't care for are the ROTS Vader and the Marvel comic heroes. While i appreciate and respect the fact that a lot of collectors like those figures, I just don't think they're that good. At the same time I'm amazed by the rocketeer, Captain jack Sparrow, and X3 Wolvie. For that matter the Spider-Man movie figure is one of the best 1/6 scale figures I've ever seen. For someone to say that Medicom's sculpts suck you have to wonder on what they are basing their opinion. Sure Jedi Luke doesn't look like Mark Hammil, but it does look like Luke Skywalker. Until SSC's Luke came out, it was the best 1/6 scale Luke likeness since Kenner's 1978 (79?) 12" Large Sized Luke figure. So what if they create figures with an artist flair. That's what sells in the market they are designed for. I honestly think that 99% of the negative comments about Medicom are baseless hyperbole.

Bottom line is, comparing Medicom to Sideshow is pointless. Comparing either to Hasbro is equally as pointless. For that matter, comparing any brand to another brand is silly. Certainly all brands could see some improvement, but one is no better than the other. They are all different and cool in their own right. Drawing lines in the sand is elitist and childish.

Buy whatever you like and don't buy what you don't like, but most importantly, respect the fact that everyone likes different things and stop with the bickering. Do whatever, but always keep in perspective that it has never been this good before. We have so many top quality choices. We're seeing figures made we never thought we would see made. Nothing is beyond a 1/6 scale line. The hobby has expanded enough that there is a market for virtually any license. While you might not want toy X, hundreds, if not thousands, of you fellow collectors will want it. And for fault anyone for that is beyond stupid.

I dunno how many books or movies all y'all read/watch, but there is a quote that is as profound here as anywhere: "In the sunset of dissolution, everything is illuminated by the aura of nostalgia, even the guillotine."

In a nutshell, to me, that means that we can only fully appreciate something by knowing it's history. Toy collectors really should understand where things come from, but more importantly they should remember why they started collecting in the first place. If it was because you loved what a toy represents, how it is a welcoming key to a world of adventure and imagination, chances are you truly can appreciate your collection. if that isn't the reason, even on a subconscious level, you really should ask yourself what you're spending you time and money on.

Well said Dave!!
What do you mean they imporved? They were always great... Right from the start.

You yourself said that they were an improvement over the competition at the time. But with the current mentality you are implying (that they are great and nothing needs to be changed), Sideshow would have never rose above the competition in the first place.
JustinLuck said:
You yourself said that they were an improvement over the competition at the time. But with the current mentality you are implying (that they are great and nothing needs to be changed), Sideshow would have never rose above the competition in the first place.

I think we're not necessarily talking about the exact same thing. What I was saying is that SSC, in my eyes, was the first company to raise the bar. I didn't even watch Buffy but I wanted the figure on the power of how well it was made. For that matter, the Buffy line is one of my favourite SSC lines to this day, but I've never seen a single episode of the show. I've been meaning to check it out, so I'll watch the DVDs.

At the time that first Buffy came out nothing was even close to it. I suppose that is why I've been a Sideshow Freak ever since (on that note, hats off to Darklord Dave for this forum and as far as I know for coining the name). It's my opinion that SSC paved the way, at least in North America.

If that is correct, then without the huge flock of collectors that discovered SSC with their Jedi Luke or any of the following figures, we wouldn't have as many people talking about 1/6 scale figures or companies. Once more, this is only my opinion but I do think everyone here (and on other boards) that didn't collect 1/6 scale figures before SSC's SW figures started coming out needs to keep in mind what it was that introduced them to the other great companies out there.

Star Wars collectors have evolved over the last year because of Sideshow's 1/6 scale figures. They have not only opened the door for Hasbro collectors to move up into something a little more elegant, they have inspired SW only collectors to explore other lines and companies. Basically, I'm saying they have broadened our collecting horizons.

That's a pretty good reason to respect these figures a little bit more and spend less time discussing what's supposedly wrong with this line.

Post script: It frustrates the hell out of me when people say things like SSC is ripping us off and cutting corners by recycling Mace Windu's costume and boots for under Plo Koons robes. If for no other reason than the fact that there is not a single published official LFL photo showing that Plo Koon wore anything other than that. It's just an assumption that it's wrong, and further more, what SSC has done is nothing short of adding display value by giving the character a full set of Jedi gear under his screen worn robes.
I'll be 40 in a few months and I grew up on Mego toys from Star Trek, and Action Jackson to my personal favorites of Marvel and DC heroes. I had the original GI Joe with cool accessory packs, like the deep sea diver helmet with the rubber octopus and the big helicopter, as well as playing with my brothers left over Captain Action. I remember when the original SW figures came out and I was so disappointed that they didn't have any articulation (at the time I was really into micronauts because they could be posed).
I bought the toybiz x-men figures because I had 20 years of x-men comics, but I didn't get back into 1/6 scale until '99 when I saw the TPM Hasbro line.
So I've had my nose stuck in toys for a long time.
My first exposure to Sideshow was around Christmas a few years back. My brother was having his own fit of nostalgia and got into Universal Monsters and I saw Frankenstein at a comic shop. When he opened it on Christmas I found myself picking it up over and over. When I found the Highlander line I immediately went back to '86 watching it for the first time at my high school girlfriends house, needless to say I bought Connor and then Duncan.
The rest is history and the history of toys is exactly why I hope they keep pushing for improvements. In all honesty I think the only thing they can improve on is the body. Not the articulation but the aesthetics. It's just ugly and to see Sarah Michelle Gellars's pretty face stuck on that mannekin body, brings a chill to the spine when you think of slave Leia. Some sculpted muscles to add some weight in the clothes and you have pretty close to 1/6 perfection IMO.
What irritates me are unrealistic expectations and drive by comments. You can't get commisioned artist paint apps mass produced. Then for people with dozens of Hasbro figures to say that they are disappointed with SSC figures are drugs. Half the fun with Hasbro was customizing potential, now we don't NEED to customize. You CAN, but you don't NEED to. I think Hasbro withdraw is also one of the issues that people have with SSC figures regarding arm length. Hasbro arms were way too short so when SSC comes along with more realistic arm lengths, they look gangly but again, I think a little more meat on the body would help the appearance.
I'm going to shut up now.
I think we're not necessarily talking about the exact same thing. What I was saying is that SSC, in my eyes, was the first company to raise the bar. I didn't even watch Buffy but I wanted the figure on the power of how well it was made. For that matter, the Buffy line is one of my favourite SSC lines to this day, but I've never seen a single episode of the show. I've been meaning to check it out, so I'll watch the DVDs.

I agree. For me it was with the SSW LOTR line. I know these where sculpted by the folks at Weta but this changed my mind on how I looked at collectibles. Now, I wasn't sure about collecting 1/6th scale stuff when they announced these let alone the PF. When I got a chance to see all this stuff in person be it a free gift I got in a contest and at SDCC. I realized that my mindset was so wrong on these types of figures. I look at SS stuff and just think there is nothing better because IMO there isn't IMO of course.

Star Wars collectors have evolved over the last year because of Sideshow's 1/6 scale figures. They have not only opened the door for Hasbro collectors to move up into something a little more elegant, they have inspired SW only collectors to explore other lines and companies. Basically, I'm saying they have broadened our collecting horizons.

They have for me. That's why I've bought a few Medicom Figures both the 12" and VCD. Hell, they have also got me to get a couple of the ACME Prints and some of the books I had been tempted to get.

That's a pretty good reason to respect these figures a little bit more and spend less time discussing what's supposedly wrong with this line.

Exactly! That's what irks me. Is that so many people spend so much time talking about what's wrong with these figures. I understand talking about things we would like to see different but it always seems that things go into well these figures are a joke (or something like that) and then folks want to quit the line. For me I just want to sit back and enjoy them because they bring me a little bit of happiness. I respect that these are some of the best damn figures on the planet and I'd rather sit and talk about what I like about them. It takes the fun out of collecting to sit and ***** about them or read post after post *****ing about them. Sure there are plenty of things not perfect about them I can admit that. However, I like Dave think we need to spend more time talking about what we like about these figures and less about what we don't like.

That's what is so misconstruted about me and what I'm about here on this board. I'm not trying to be a prick and be a guy people don't like. It's just that I again think we spend too much time talking about what we don't like. Let's have more fun talking about what we do like!!

Post script: It frustrates the hell out of me when people say things like SSC is ripping us off and cutting corners by recycling Mace Windu's costume and boots for under Plo Koons robes. If for no other reason than the fact that there is not a single published official LFL photo showing that Plo Koon wore anything other than that. It's just an assumption that it's wrong, and further more, what SSC has done is nothing short of adding display value by giving the character a full set of Jedi gear under his screen worn robes.

That irks me about as much as anything. People say this stuff I swear just to stir things up and be rude. Again, kick back and enjoy folks!!

Anzik Hayes said:
What irritates me are unrealistic expectations and drive by comments. You can't get commisioned artist paint apps mass produced. Then for people with dozens of Hasbro figures to say that they are disappointed with SSC figures are drugs. Half the fun with Hasbro was customizing potential, now we don't NEED to customize. You CAN, but you don't NEED to. I think Hasbro withdraw is also one of the issues that people have with SSC figures regarding arm length. Hasbro arms were way too short so when SSC comes along with more realistic arm lengths, they look gangly but again, I think a little more meat on the body would help the appearance.
I'm going to shut up now.

I agree with ya Anzik. Those are the types of comments again that will irk me into saying something quicker than anything. People sometimes just shoot from the hips and say the first thing that comes to mind. No matter how rude it might be because they don't think out the whole situation.
My thing is I get a Medicom figure and I have no complaint out of the box. I don't feel the urge or need to anything but enjoy. With SS, I know I have some work to do I'd say 7 out of 10 times. Now I'm not trying to start a VS war or a this company is better than that. I'm also aware WHY many non-Japanese collectors don't like Medicom (the Japanese market being their target and why they make their figures the way they do) and I try not to judge any figure until I've opened it in my hands. But in the end SS figures just need better bodies and costumes. I don't think that's too much to ask. I don't see how saying "SS needs better bodies and outfits" = "I hate SS , they suck" also, because some people take it that way. SS just needs to hit us with some awesome new bodies, which they said they'll do I think, and some better quality control. And with the SS figures ever rising prices (Assaj=$60+shipping?!?!), I feel we should get those changes.