Ok. couple quick pics...fresh outta the box and pretty much unfutzed. All I did was unblouse his pant legs a bit...
First impressions, out of the box...I am pretty happy with him as is.
Yes, the chest is a little boxy, but not something I couldn't live with if I had to...just not as big an issue in hand to me. The vest itself is certainly not as "puffy" as it appeared in initial pics.
The Wookiee scalps aren't quite as bad as I had feared either. Still need to work with them a bit, probably water treat them, but they aren't really a huge issue (and this was probably my biggest issue judging from pics).
Colors are fine in hand! I pretty much captured them accurately in my pics...lots of light, no flash. Defintely not as dark green as he has appeared in some pics.
Everything else seems great! The detail on his blaster rifle is amazing. All the tools, blaster pistol, etc. are awesome.
I had no problems with changing the hands...must vary from figure to figure.
The thrusters on the jetpack are adjustable (thought that was cool).
The stand comes with batteries. You need to open the compartment to remove the plastic battery protector thingy though.
Anyway, just some initial thoughts. I'm off to spend some more quality time with him. I may or may not mod the armor...not sure. It really doesn't bother me at all to be honest. Haven't taken him apart yet to see what's going on there. I can feel the plastic plate under the vest, and it doesn't seem very flexible. That is really what is causing the boxy look, the vest itself is quite soft.