Just cut the plastic and leave little circles on top of the green dot to hold it.
So given the exposed Pro at the midsection was debunked, the Wookie braids are a non-issue, and the vest is now proving to be an easy fix (though ******* will no doubt _____ about a simple boil 'n' dip being beyond their lowbrow capacity to comprehend), I wonder what the next point of contention will be amongst the bandwagon Sideshow haters.![]()
Although it looks better it exposes the lower mid section too much, and belt area looks funny, the armor should be sitting lower. Again this is something none of us should even be having to do...PERIOD. I did end up cancellling my exclusive version, so I'm not just talking, they are not getting my money on this guy.
I really wish we could all collectively agree and send back these figures demanding better of SSC, ah if only .....
Someone was complaining about the girth belt being red when it is clearly brown.![]()
Boba usually has something across his mid section, but you can see that the SSC figure actually has the vest/armor at the right place.
Does the rangefinder rotate downward?
Now here's what I did...
I didn't really have any intention of messing with him, but since I had him taken apart, I figured I would see what I could do with some hot water...
If you choose to try this, proceed at your own risk! I heated up some water in the microwave just shy of boiling, about 3 minutes on high, pretty hot but not boiling. Dipped just the bottom of the vest in for about 20 sec or so and bent the bottom plate to my liking. Here's the thing though, the clear plastic backing acted almost like a shrinky dink and kind of got a little warped as you can see below. Not really a big deal to me, it's hidden and still functional but, once again, proceed at you own risk If the water had been hotter, or I left it in longer, this may have proven disastorous!
Anyway, with some curvature in the ab plate, I decided to put him all back together after letting things cool and dry and this is the result:
Since I had the water out, I went ahead and water treated the Wookiee scalps as well. They are still wet in these pics:
And here he is, all put back together: