Huh. I guess I'm the school of thought that says "pick and choose what you like, disregard the rest". If you like the EU stories and not the prequels, go with those. If your write fan fiction and like those stories, go with those. It's ALL a work of fiction. I think when you approach EU stuff for any franchise, you should do it with the knowledge that it isn't cannon and the forces who own the rights get to dictate what's official and can change the game. If Lucas had the creative juice to do it, he could do like Joss Weadon and write the "EU stuff" himself, in essence making it cannon. But he cares more about a buck and his ego at the end of the day, and that's what we have to work with.
Having said that, I really have 0 problem with the origin of Boba Fett storyline they've come up with so far. He is a clone of Jango Fett, who is a badass in his own way, but because they share DNA does NOT make them identical individuals. They are more like identical twins separated by a generation who have led entirely different lives. Who's to say that the events that shaped Boba into the bounty hunter from the OT aren't as cool as those our imaginations can create? I feel like the back story established in AOTC is solid, even if the movie as a whole was not. The Clone Wars has expanded on that a bit with Boba joining forces with the totally psychopathic Aura Sing to attempt to exact revenge on Mace Windu. I think it's interesting, but those who don't like it can disregard.