Pop Cultcha crushed our dreams.....
Nice pics Jedibear. That custom is incredible elvis.,
Man did they ever....soooooooooo close
Pop Cultcha crushed our dreams.....
Nice pics Jedibear. That custom is incredible elvis.,
S Hoth figures are solid but for whatever reason not pulled trigger on Luke thus no Taun Taun either.
Just saying, but... I'd trade any HT SW release other than maybe Chewbacca for either of SS's Hoth releases (and yes, I have them in hand to compare/comment). Two of the best SW releases of 2015 without question.
Just saying, but... I'd trade any HT SW release other than maybe Chewbacca for either of SS's Hoth releases (and yes, I have them in hand to compare/comment). Two of the best SW releases of 2015 without question.
That's the thing, I can't place extra value on a paint job when it's applied on a bad sculpt, and so far HT hasn't shipped a single half-decent SW sculpt (Leia looks like it might be the first). As far as tailoring, there's nothing on ANH Han or Luke that's any better than the Hoth releases. Lastly, the icing on the cake is that Hoth scenes are my favorite of the entire OT trilogy.
hands arm banding and boots are just bad and look hasbro cheap.
Had to stop right there. I've already told you in another thread not to bother replying to me with ridiculous statements that only show you have literally no idea what you're talking about. There's opinion and then there's just BS.
I suggest maybe you pick up something from Hasbro some day and something from Hot Toys while you're at it. No one is going to take you seriously with that kind of statement.
Now, to be fair, I've swapped the bodies on both figures to other bodies (nameless ones). For comparison, I've changed the boots, body and head on my HT Han and will change at the very least the head on Luke, maybe also the body. The cut and sew is no better on these than on the Hoth figures, for simple outfits they could be better in fact.
WRT the Snow Trooper you mentioned, the gloves are well sized for winter gloves fitting hand appropriately sized for that figure. The boots however are too small - and incidentally they're made in a similar fashion to the Echo Base rebel boots out of multiple pieces of rubber-like plastic. Their size is my only significant complaint about that figure.
Look pretty good to me
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So take the DX07 Boot and line that up against the Hoth figure boots
My comment still stands that those Hoth pieces are utter crap because of all the fixing you have to invest to make them presentable on the shelf.
If you think that either of the Hoth sculpts are better than HT you are deliberately trying to be controversial.
They're completely different in the movie (which I'm betting you didn't know or notice). The ones Bespin Luke might be "nice" because they have some fabric, but they're totally wrong for Hoth. HT often uses plastic or soft plastic for footwear as well, different products, different directions. You may not like the rubber-like material, but the execution is excellent. Every "mod" I've seen of the Bespin boots doesn't look the part and the stock boots do. You can go ahead and pick up something from Hasbro right now if you'd like - I still have plenty on display to compare and to note you don't know what you're talking about.
So that makes every HT release utter crap? Because there hasn't ever been one that doesn't need something. Seriously, give it a rest.
No, that's comparing any of this stuff to Hasbro. I may be in the small minority of people who know WTF they're talking about.
I really hope Hot Toys takes a stab at a Hoth Han. I have the Tauntaun which I think is fantastic but the SS Hoth Han I did not like. Star Lord is keeping my Tauntaun company for the time being.
I really hope Hot Toys takes a stab at a Hoth Han. I have the Tauntaun which I think is fantastic but the SS Hoth Han I did not like. Star Lord is keeping my Tauntaun company for the time being.
I would like to see a picture of that!![]()