1 post - vote for the next 1:6th SW figure

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Star Wars Source

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Super Freak
Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Land of Hope and Glory
Wondered if we could do a bit of market research for the SSC gals and boys

What do you want as the next Star Wars 1:6th Scale figure ? (Not what you think it will be, but what you want)

If youve got a figure in mind then vote for its appropriate source and name the character please in a single post. (Please keep it to just the name of the characters and a few preferences for Exclusives, no paragraphs please and please limit yourself to just one post)

(I understand theres a post running atm started by Wor Gar but I dont think its gotta a poll attached and is source specific) https://sideshowcollectors.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24366


SW: PM Phantom Menace
SW: AOTC Attack of the Clones
SW: ROTS Return of the Sith
SW: ANH A New Hope
SW: ESB The Empire Strikes Back
SW: ROTJ Return of the Jedi
SW: EU Expanded Universe

What id like to do is run this poll till the next SSC 1:6th announcement look at the results and see if at least the source matches ?
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I voted ROTJ. I want me and armor Vader with a nice reveal helmet MOST of all. I have no idea what the exclusive would be though. :dunno

After that I would have voted ESB Lando.
I want Captain Antilles from ANH (with one or two Rebel Fleet troopers of course). I know it's a nobody for most people, but I'd much rather have them than the Endor Troops; and it's much more iconic. I really hope we get them soon!
I voted ROTJ. I want me and armor Vader with a nice reveal helmet MOST of all. I have no idea what the exclusive would be though. :dunno

Same here, and I think the exclusive should be a post electrocution tarnished helmet.

I still can't believe we're two years into a Star Wars line with no Vader.
Finish off the Prequel Sith line already and give us Count Dooku. Make sure to include stumps for the hands. Perhaps an interchangeable head/stump there too. Don't know about the exclusive though. Death Star plans should be standard.

Ooh...I know...scaled version of Dooku's bronze bust in the Jedi Archives. After all, Palpatine's exclusive is a scaled statue.
I still can't believe we're two years into a Star Wars line with no Vader.

Ahem...SDCC 2006 ring a bell? Technically, we got Vader last year. :D

I know what you mean. I'm surprised there hasn't been an armored Vader either. But at least he'll have the new HT/SSC body when he is released.
I still can't believe we're two years into a Star Wars line with no Vader.
What I can't belive, is that there's still no LANDO after two years. One of the major characters after all. Besides, what you are saying is not entirely true: there is a Vader. It was last years SDCC SW exclusive.

I don't want to make any guesses as to who is going to be the next SW 12" character, or who do I want to be the next SW 12" character. What I really want, is that SSC stops to release multiple versions of an already existent character, and finally gives us all the other important SW characters first. They can still make the other Lukes, Leias, Hans, Obis later.
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I voted ANH - I had hoped that with the 30th anniversary an' all, this year would be all about Episode IV.

I still love the non-ANH stuff that's come out tho.
ROTJ all the way.

Sideshow has a great thing with Jabba, that I want MORE characters for the Scene. Palace Guard Lando. Random Aliens... I want Gamorean Guard! (Well, actually, I want two...)
ROTJ all the way.

Sideshow has a great thing with Jabba, that I want MORE characters for the Scene. Palace Guard Lando. Random Aliens... I want Gamorean Guard! (Well, actually, I want two...)
Good heavens!! Not a skiff guard Lando!!! What we need, is a Bespin Lando, Baron administrator of Cloud City. That's the most iconic appearance of Lando. Besides, SSC has done more than enough characters form the Jaba Palace scene. They even did the (I admit cool) criters before Lando. But still, there is more to SW than only that.
A General Lando (RotJ) would be second choice, but still acceptable.
I bucked the trend here and went for ROTS...

I'd really like to see the last two jedi featured in "the arrest"...Saesee Tinn and Agen Kolar. Especially since we're getting such an excellent looking Palpatine...I'd love to have that group set up for a display.

I know alot of folks here are "jedi'd out" for awhile but Id like to see Ki Adi Mundi too...

Of course like everyone else I'd like to see an armored Vader, some Clones & Stormtroopers and the Fetts, but I'd also like to see figures that go with what we've already got to round out some display opportunites...
I voted ROTJ. I want me and armor Vader with a nice reveal helmet MOST of all. I have no idea what the exclusive would be though. :dunno

After that I would have voted ESB Lando.

I know a perfect exclusive; Vader's severed hand arm accessory.
My vote went to AOTC. I'm a big Obi-Wan fan, and much as I'd like TPM to go with Maul and Qui-Gon, I'd really like to see a Sideshow take a stab at Obi-Mullet Kenobi, and possibly have Zam's droid as an accessory/expansion item.