The body is just about a degree or so too loose. Naked, the figure is okay. It isn't as tight as the OG releases but you couldn't call it floppy either. It can hold most vertical two leg standing poses if still. If you give it even a light shake, or hold it horizontally, the figure will flop. The clothing, his heavy rifle, boots, all add to the weight on the limbs and torso so he had a tendency to buckle and fall over too easily.
Anyway, I am very happy to say that Pledge Multi Surface Floor Finish did the trick. I picked up a bottle and got to work on the figure today. I popped the torso into several pieces and used a dropper to administer a tiny half drop into the 'female' joint. Then I popped the body back together and worked at it. It felt too tight at times so I had to balance out with a dab of petroleum jelly. I even dripped Pledge into his crotch areas (one side at a time) to get the kicking to be a little stiffer. Figure is pretty near perfect now, and even smells great, thanks to the Pledge fresh scent!
I've never taken a 1000toys body apart before and was thankful at how easy it was to do. You don't need tools, just controlled popping, so it's still a well designed toy.
After futzing with the clothes and the figure for better of two hours, I've grown to really like the figure.
With the trendy flight jacket and boots he has right now, he gives me a bit of a British skinhead vibe. So the jacket will probably go back into his box and I will customize him with some 1/6 military vest and gear I have kicking around. Just as well as the zipper is enormous!
I do wish the clothes were weathered, like his face. I'm not going to weather a $200 figure though! With the HS, Duke's short hair cut really exposes his robot skull on the sides. I think creating a scarf or something to go around his neck may help as well. I created some beautiful long scarf for my Snake Eyes and my Joumon Kugutu figure with some wired ribbon before I got from Michaels.