Not much of a difference with the face skull from the real. You just can't adjust the eye balls since the head is glue tight.
It's not that tight. I got mine off. But i think the eyes are also glued.
Not much of a difference with the face skull from the real. You just can't adjust the eye balls since the head is glue tight.
I just want a 1:6 Killy pretty bad
Those army thing looks so freaky.
The KO is on the left on both pictures. Hope it helps.
As you can see the real one has better paint job.
I got the GI Joe Duke figure they had at SDCC and to my surprise the figure's hips were pretty loose. Can't have been a KO because I bought from a trusted site, but I'm pretty bummed that the joints on an authentic figure are way looser than my original synthetic human. I'm tempted to try tightening joints via super glue or floor wax but wanted to ask, can each of the hip joints actually be pulled out of the socket? Didn't wanna try in case they weren't able to. Other than the hips, the body of the Duke figure is pretty solid. Good detailing on the face/mask
Got the KO and its actually quite decent for the price, however, the big issue is the floppy waist legs, how do you fix that as I can't see how you can apply the nail varnish fix since its fixed to the waist?.
The hips can be taken apart by popping off the screw cap on the backside.
Then you see there is a T-Joint at the hips that then goes to the legs. The issue is that the ball joints are screwed onto that t-joint and those are loose. You can also pop the hips from the abdomen for better working on it. If you use a toothpick to apply the varnish and keep the legs moving, it should work.
Apologies, could you elaborate as I don't seem to follow. Here's the photo the issue. The legs are move sideways fine but its the back and forth which is really loose.
If you look on the backside of the hips, there's a little plug that can be popped out. That lets you access a screw. If you are careful, the screw comes out and the hips come off. The ball joint in your pic above is the lower part of a T shape. With the top parts of a T(Inverted of course), going into the leg ball joints. If you can get the hips off(My screw was very tight, but i have a set of jewellers screwdrivers), then you can access the T-bar easier to apply the varnish in small amounts.
I can take pics if you want.
Can you do photos?, however, this is a KO version.
Also if I can't get to that part because this is a KO,is there any other way?.
Mine is a KO version too. That's the only reason i took it apart. There's a plug on the backside. Just remove it and you'll find the screw.
I'll take pics tomorrow at work.