12" ANH Leia

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Not our fault you didn't pull a P!tu and record yourself and post it on YouTube. Really, what's wrong with you?

Sorry, I have an aversion to embarrassing myself in front of millions of people. Next time I promise to throw my dignity to the wind so you can all revel in my inane sorrows.
Exercising my right to change my mind...

The sculpt on this figure is perfect in every way. The dress isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it does fray quite a bit.

There are a couple of paint flaws on mine, including a brown smudge on her forehead. Not sure if I'm going to hassle with a return, as I'm not all that bothered by it. I've removed it in most of the photos, but it actually is noticeable up close, as is a similar smudge on her left eye.










I really think that, so far, the best likenesses in the Star Wars 12" line lie within the two Leias.

Monk, WELL DONE, sir. None of the photos I've seen so far have really fully convinced me that this is a good sculpt. Yours though have inspired me. I'll definitely have to get one of these now.

Curse you!!!!
beautiful pics taken by everyone,here are my cobbled together humble efforts, please excuse the Vader used,purists will know its ESB instead of ANH:eek:

That's a Hasbro R2 from their Action Collection. I see it is the one with all the doors and goodies!

Actually Im more inclined to say that it is one of hurricanes customs as the Action Collection R2 didnt have the feet wires and had little nubs to open the panels.
Hi guys! This lady that makes robes for 1/6 figure's and costumes said she can make Leia's dress but she has some questions. Can you guys help me ? Here are the question's can someone answer them for me so I can email them to her. Thanks! Here is a link to some of her work.

hello, I've seen the photos. I can the leia outfit. but. 2 questions to
make sure:

1. there are 2 versions. one has a little open on the chest
side. other is completely closed. which one will be made?

2. can you let
me know the exact wrong parts of the sideshow costume? so I'll make sure I
won't do the same mistakes with sideshow.
And remember Captain Faramir may be making some dresses too...

This is all good... Leia needs it.
Send her photos of the movie Leia so there's no confusion.

She's seen photo's from a website someone directed me to. She wants to know what we don't like about the sideshow dress so she can correct it. And do you want the open top one or closed.
She's seen photo's from a website someone directed me to. She wants to know what we don't like about the sideshow dress so she can correct it. And do you want the open top one or closed.

The top is never opened. I think she might be thinking of the Ceremonial dress.

What I don't like about the current SS dress is that there's not enough material to bunch up around the waistline to create the folds... and the drape of the material doesn't allow for folds to hold. Her dress is like a curtain that is bunched up.

Also, it's too short so you can't create the blousy hang of the material over the belt. Finding the right material at this scale will be really hard. It has to be heavy enough to hang right but thin enough to feel and look almost sheer.
Leia's dress is incredibly simple; I doubt it'll take more than a few minutes to make once I get the fabric. Speaking of which, I wouldn't recommend any t-shirt like material as it won't have the drape necessary at this scale. The best thing would be to find a very fine silk-like fabric with a very loose weave that allows for lots of movement and draping without the bulk of other materials. There are a number of silks that would be perfect and don't have the shine that cheaper silks would carry. When I'm home for the holidays I'll cruise the local fabric store and tell you what I find; if it's easy enough maybe I'll make a bunch of them.

Thank goodness my dad taught me tailoring. :rolleyes:

Definitely keep us updated, Cap!