Did you use the Dragon uniform as well? I was surprised how well it fit on the muscular 3.5 body. Belt rides a little high because of the shoulder straps, but otherwise perfect fit. I still need the rocket launcher though, can't wait to see what you've done there.
Yep. Used many of the same Dragon uniform pieces that you did, though I made some alterations to make the jacket more screen-accurate (I removed the gold trim around the color and added shoulder boards). And I too was surprised to see that it fit the 3.5 muscle body. I was scared there for a bit.

The rocket launcher is coming along. It's almost a total custom job. I used parts from different 1/6 rocket launchers, other random pieces of plastic (such as as a coffee stirrer, believe it or not) and I'm still sculpting parts of it. I can't wait to see how it turns out, either.