12" Mace Windu Image Thread

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I've taken some more pics. I'll try to get them up soon. I haven't even been able to touch Han yet :lol

Oh and in case you haven't figured it out, the helmet is plastic. The antena doesn't seem bent out of the box, but looked awefully bent in the package.

pixletwin, thanks for posting my pics over at rebelscum. Funny how I still haven't joined there but lurk there all the time.
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Alice Adrenochrome said:
In a way, I completely missed the explanation for why Mace Windu needed a new lightsaber. I didn't see him loose it, or brake it in Episode I. Anyone?

To tell you the truth, I have never seen his lightsaber in Episode 1. I know its just on his belt, but I've never noticed it in all of my watchings. I think they just gave him a hilt to shoot with, but when he need to use one Sam didn't want a generic one (who could blame him). I just don't know why it had to be purple though?
Actually though, the Episode 1 saber is inacurrate. I should look like Kit Fisto's lightsaber grip. Watch Episode 1 at the final celebration parade and look at the lightsaber when it shows Windu, Billaba, Tiin, and Yoda. It's a different handle, akin to Master Fisto's. The only change was because of reference materials. That's the only gripe I have about the figure--otherwise he is PERFECT.
Can someone please post some images of this figure complete out of the box? We have only seen QQB's, that's like one posting. C'mon...:D
Buttmunch said:
To tell you the truth, I have never seen his lightsaber in Episode 1. I know its just on his belt, but I've never noticed it in all of my watchings. I think they just gave him a hilt to shoot with, but when he need to use one Sam didn't want a generic one (who could blame him). I just don't know why it had to be purple though?

It was purple because that's what Sam Jackson wanted.

According to an interview on The Late Show with David Letterman on May 13, 2005 (as well as other interviews dating back to the promotion of Episode I) Windu's purple lightsaber was a personal request from Jackson to Lucas as a quid pro quo for appearing in the films, as well as a way of making the character unique and easily distinguishable. Jackson, a huge Star Wars fan, especially wanted his own color so that his character could be easily spotted and recognizable in the final battle scene of Attack of the Clones amidst all of the other Jedi. Another condition, found by several fans freeze-framing the lightsaber scenes, was to have "BMF" (For "Bad Mother****er", a reference to Jackson's role in Pulp Fiction) stamped on the bottom of the lightsaber.--Source.

In the expanded universe, purple, being a mix of red and blue, shows the mastery of a lightsaber form known as Vaapad or form VII and the light side of the Force which allows Windu to use his fighting style and Force powers dangerously close to the Dark Side without being tainted. It is also said that a purple crystal is a choice only the most skilled masters in lightsaber combat can make, which might also explain his unusual blade color.
I cant wait to get him but I am now getting them all double boxed so it will probably be next week before he gets here. I did think the Jango helmet would be bigger though.
Just got notification that Mace will arrive tomorrow.

I am blown away by the skin tones. The only other Sideshow AA figures I can think of are Tee-Hee and Jinx from the Bond line. Plus I guess the severed head with the exclusive Kurgan. Haven't seen the head, but I don't think Tee-Hee or Jinx looked like this.

I think SS paint apps are making big strides.
I took these quickly so they aren't of great quality, but they are better than nothing right?

You're under arrest Chancellor:

This Party's Over:

Ouch! My Hand:

Mace Vs Jango:

Mace 1, Jango 0:

Crazy Windu:

Enjoy! :D

EDIT: Last two pics rotated!
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This may come as a shock to Josh, but from the photos I've seen so far, I have absolutely no complaints about this figure.

Thanks Buttmunch, very much appreciated! :D

Could you please rotate and repost the last few shots because they really look nice... :cool:
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JustinLuck said:
This may come as a shock to Josh, but from the photos I've seen so far, I have absolutely no complaints about this figure.


I think I just **** myself. :lol

DAMN I WANT MY MACE FIGURE!!! At this point I'll be luck to get mine till the middle of next week.
pjam said:
Thanks Buttmunch, very much appreciated! :D

Could you please rotate and repost the last few shots because they really look nice... :cool:

Done and Done! :D

And Yes, Mace's face does come off as angry and hense why his eyes seem smaller than Sam's. Otherwise a perfect likenss IMO. Very well done figure, a disapointing exlcusive (the Hasbro Ultimate Jango Fett figure's helmet is just as good), but a great figure nevertheless.

Also note my new avatar.
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Yeah, due to credit card issues it may be even 2 weeks before I have Mace in hand..... Either way, he looks fantastic and I cannot wait to have him on the shelf with the rest of the Jedi...

Besides.... I have a LOT of ideas for pics! :cool:
If he's as good as the pics, he may avoid being repainted! He looks awesome! I'm jonesing to pose him with both the sabers!!