Dear Valued Collector,
Thank you for your pre-order of our 12” Darth Maul – Sideshow Inclusive Edition (item #21151) from our Star Wars 12-inch Figures Collection. We appreciate your patience in awaiting the arrival of this Limited Edition, Sold Out collectible.
At this time, we would like to inform you that this item is estimated to arrive into our warehouse within the next 9-11 days. We will BEGIN “pre-authorizing” credit cards for this purchase within the next 24 hours, in the sequence in which all of the pre-orders for this item were placed. A “pre-auth” is not a direct charge, but is a “hold” of funds pending the shipment of your order. Your credit card will be charged once the item is shipped from our warehouse.
If you have any last-minute changes, or if you would like to cancel this order,
at (800) 474-3746 (US) or (805) 214-2100, ext. 2 (outside of US).
We ask that you DO NOT attempt to alter or cancel your order online at this time. Online user accounts for U.S. customers should now restrict you from making changes on this order, and should prompt you to contact us directly. However, if your account does allow you to alter this order, changes WILL NOT be electronically updated to our in-house system in time before your order is processed and shipped.
You should expect to receive an e-mail containing the tracking number for your shipment, which will be sent via UPS (domestic orders under $100) unless prior arrangements have been made. Please allow 7-10 business days, from the date of your tracking e-mail, for delivery of your package. If you have questions about the location of your shipment while en-route, you can personally trace it through
Best regards,
The Sideshow Collectibles Processing Team
Sideshow Collectibles
2630 Conejo Spectrum Street
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 USA
U.S. Toll Free Phone: (800) 474-3746
U.S. / Int’l Phone: (805) 214-2100 ext. 2
U.S. / Int’l Fax: (805) 214-2190